The development of anther and microspore in Hevea seedling and in Hevea clones RRIM 600 and GT-1 were observed, and the results are as follows: 1. Anther wall of seedling tree consists of four layers of cells and its formation is of dicotyledonous type. In later development stages some fibrous thickenings appear on the walls of endothecium cells,in which the protoplast remains until anther dehiscence. The middle layer consists of one layer of cells or two layers of irregular cells and disappears in monokaryon stage. Tapetal cells being of secretory type have one or two nuclei and disappear in 3-celled stage. Meiosis of microspore mother cell is of simultaneous type. The mature pollen comprises three cells, among them the sperm cells are spherical in shape and the cy-toplasmic sheath and nucleolus are unable to be recognized under light microscope. 2. In RRIM600 the development of microspore is similar to that in the seedling tree, but in the later stage most of them become aborted pollens with different sizes and only a few grow normally; besides, some flowers degenerate entirely. 3. For GT-1, in the meiosis stage of microspore mother cell, the tapetal cells become peculiarly enlarged and vacuoled, as the result, the microspores disintegrate inside the tetrad or segregate into empty pollens.
Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany