The ultrastructure of mature embryo sac of Hevea Brasiliensis Muel-Arg. was studied.The egg is a highly polarized cell, the nucleus and much of the cytoplasm are located at theextreme chalazal end,and2/3 of the micropylar end is occupied by a large vacuole; The wallsurrounding the egg cell is incomplete;the cell at the1/3 of the chalazal end, the neighbour-ing parts of synergids and the central cell bear no wall; and only plasma membranes exist asa boundary between egg and central cell, egg and synergid,or synergid and central cell.Most of the organelles are distributed perinucleusly, among which the plastids,mitochondriaand ribOsomes are quite numerous, the ER and dictyosome scarce and plastids poorly devel-oped with a few lamellae. The egg is an inactive cell based on its above ultrastructure, Thewall surrounding the synergid proliferates evidently into filiform apparatus at the micropylarend. There are abundant organelles and masses of ER in the synergid cytoplasm, and mostof the drgatielles are distributed at the micropylar part, suggesting an active secretory func-tion of synergid. In the central cell the cytoplasm is pressed by the large centrally locatedvacuole to a thin peripheral layer, and the polar nuclei situated near the egg apparatus willpartially be fused with each other later. There are plenty of organelles and massive lipid dro-plets and starch grains in the central cell cytoplasm, and the ER forms some long narrowparallel strands of cisternae especiallyin the region bordering the egg apparatus. There is aclose relation betvveen central cell and egg apparatus due to the presence of a common wallless region. The antipodal cells have a complete wall and the wall proliferates lightly intonodulous-like structure resembling to that of the transfer cell; the nucleus, being single,oc-cupies a central position; and the cytoplasm is of high electron density, the organelles boun-tiful and ER well developed. The central cell and antipodal cell like the synergid are quite ac-tive in metabolism.
Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
Hevea brasiliensis embryo sacultrastructure