目的 进一步查清吉林省地方性砷中毒病区分布情况。方法 通过回顾性调查及重点调查相结合的方法 ,在吉林省西部的通榆县、洮南市重点砷中毒疑似病区开展了工作。结果 通过对 2个县的 5个乡 (镇 ) 3 2个行政村的13 7个自然村的调查 ,在 3 2个行政村中 ,有 2 4个行政村有饮水砷含量超标的井存在 ,占 75 % ;在所调查的 13 7个自然村中 ,有 2 7个自然村可定为地方性砷中毒病区 ,占 19.71%。另有 47个自然村可定为高砷区 ,占 3 4.3 1% ,高砷区总人口为3 0 70 9人。 2县总的砷暴露人口为 3 779人。结论 根据环境地理及病情调查结果 ,可确认吉林省地方性砷中毒病区 ,主要分布在吉林省西部平原 ,致病因子是饮水中砷含量超标。
Objective In order to explore distribution of endemic arsenism of Jilin province.Methods To applied the theory of retrospective investigation and important investigation in Tongyu and Taonan town of the west area of Jilin province. Results There well's arsenic content in drinking water exceeded the level for 24 villages. In all 137 villages , we considered that 27 villages are area of endemic arsenic disease , it account for 19.71%, another 47 villages are high arsenic content area, it account for 34.31%, the population are 30709. There are 3 779 persons who drinked such water of high arsenic content.Conclusions The result showed that endemic arsenism areas had distributed in the west flatlands of Jilin province, it results from arsenic content in drinking water exceeded the level.
Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases