LB (Langmuir-Blodgett) technology was used to prepare the BSA monolayers m ore closely related to the half-layer biological membrane structure. The influen ce of bovine serum albumin (BSA) was studined on the polymorph, morphology and g rowth orientation of hydroxyapatite in the process of the biomineralization. XRD and SEM were respectively used to analysis the polymorph and morphology of the crystal induced by BSA monolayers. The results of XRD show that the HAP grows on ly along the (112) face, indicating a well oriented face in HAP. In addition, SE M shows that the morphologies of the HAP is of a network structure. In conclusio n, when the BSA form monolayers, it can be used as a template to induce the HAP to crystallize. Accordingly, the monolayers of the protein can be used to induce the inorganic materials to grow with a complex morphology and a well oriented f ace by biomimetic approach.
LB (Langmuir-Blodgett) technology was used to prepare the BSA monolayers more closely related to the half-layer biological membrane structure. The influence of bovine serum albumin (BSA) was studined on the polymorph, morphology and growth orientation of hydroxyapatite in the process of the biomineralization. XRD and SEM were respectively used to analysis the polymorph and morphology of the crystal induced by BSA monolayers. The results of XRD show that the HAP grows only along the (112) face, indicating a well oriented face in HAP. In addition, SEM shows that the morphologies of the HAP is of a network structure. In conclusion, when the BSA form monolayers, it can be used as a template to induce the HAP to crystallize. Accordingly, the monolayers of the protein can be used to induce the inorganic materials to grow with a complex morphology and a well oriented face by biomimetic approach.
Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry