本文试图通过对 2 0世纪科学主义与人文主义思潮历史的反思 ,来探索科学主义和人文主义实现统一的现实可能性及其对高等教育理论与实践的影响。本文的基本思路是 :(1)尽管当代科学主义与人文主义存在着对立和冲突 ,但是它们又拥有某些共同的发展因素 ,因此存在着相互统一的现实可能性 ;(2 )在高等教育理论领域 ,独断式的科学主义或人文主义思想交替占据着主导地位 ,这在一定程度上导致了高等教育理论与实践相脱节的现象 ;(3)在实践层面上 ,只有在科学主义与人文主义相统一思想的指导下 ,高等教育事业才能获得健康的发展 ,这一历史经验对于新世纪人类思想发展而言 ,具有积极的宣示意义。
This paper provides a discussion about the possibility of the integration of Scientism and Humanism, and its influence on the higher education theory and practice. It is argued that first, although there are many conflicts between the two, they have several important common factors which indicate the possibility of their integration. Second, in the field of the higher education theory, the extreme Scientism and the extreme Humanism have the systematic hegemony in turn which have lead to the discrepancy between theory and practice. Third, in practice,people have to choose the integration of Scientism and Humanism in their ordinary lives, which indicate significance for the future of these theories.
Peking University Education Review