在欧美的大学中 ,课题工作是普遍采用的一种教学方法。为顺应科学技术的发展以及社会经济的变革 ,70年代初成立的丹麦罗斯基勒大学在传统的课题工作模式基础上 ,创造了一种以学生为中心的教学模式———面向问题的小组课题工作。这是一种开展于学生和教师之间 ,两者互相影响而由学生主导的实践性教学活动。一些传统的教学手段和方法受到了冲击。这一模式的实际操作步骤是程式化的。这一模式与建构主义的学习理论存在着较明显的联系。国内的大学教学模式的改革可以从中获得启示和借鉴。
Project work is a preraling method of teaching and learning in western universities.To accord with the development of science and technology as well as the transform of economy and society, Roskilde University, which established in the early 1970', formed a brand-new model of teaching and learning based on the traditional project work, namely problem-oriented project work in groups. This model is implemented by both the teacher and the student together. It is also a method oriented by student. Almost all of traditional methods of teaching and learning were influenced due to the project work in Roskilde University. The project work process in group present settled steps and phases. The method has quite obvious affiliation with the learning theory of constructivism. We believe that the method of project work in the group is significant for the universities in China.
Modern University Education