As Chinese loan words were assimilated into the Hani language during different.historical pe-riods, they may be stratified into distinct 'layers'. This paper divides Chinese loans in Hani intoancient, modern and contemporary layers, with two sub-divisions within the modern and contem-porary layers. The loan words belonging to each layer exhibit relatively consistent phonologicalpatterns of correspondence, as well as distinct features with regard to word formation and seman-tic categories. Ancient loans were assimilated before the emergence of SW Mandarin, includingsome which might have originated from Chinese loans in the Dai and Bai languages. Modern loanswere assimilated after 1911 from Luchun speech in Yunnan, a variety of Southwest Mandarin.Contemporary loans were assimilated before and after the Qing Dynasty from another local varietyof SW Mandarin.
Studies of the Chinese Language