采用琼脂两倍稀释法和改良的双纸片法 ,测定了兽医临床分离的 4 0株猪链球菌对部分大环内酯类抗生素、克林霉素、林可霉素、青霉素的体外最小浓度及红霉素耐药菌的耐药表型。实验结果显示 ,猪链球菌对红霉素、罗红霉素、泰乐菌素及替米考星的耐药率分别达 72 5 % (2 9/ 4 0 )、 6 7 5 % (2 7/ 4 0 )、 72 5 % (2 9/ 4 0 )和 6 2 5 % (2 5 / 4 0 ) ,对林可霉素和克林霉素的耐药率高达 6 5 % (2 6 / 4 0 )和 6 2 5 % (2 5 / 4 0 ) ,对青霉素耐药率为 4 0 % (16 / 4 0 ) ;青霉素耐药菌株对其他药物的交叉耐药率显著地高于青霉素敏感株 (P <0 0 5 )。在红霉素耐药菌株中 ,以内在型耐药表型为主 ,占 5 8 6 % (17/2 9) ,诱导型及M型耐药表型各占 2 4 1% (7/ 2 9)和 17 2 % (5 / 2 9) ,而 4 0 % (2 / 5 )的M型耐药菌、 5 8 8% (10 / 17)的内在型耐药菌及 5 7 1% (4/ 7)的诱导型耐药菌同时对青霉素耐药。
A total of 40 veterinary clinical strains of Streptococcus suis were examined for their susceptibility to macrolides,clindamycin,lincomycin and penicillin by an agar dilution method with Mueller Hinton agar plates supplemented with 5% bovine serum.The phenotypes of strains resistance to erythromycin were also evaluated by the improved double disk test with erythromycin(15 μg)and clindamycin(2 μg)discs.The results showed that the rate of resistance to erythromycin,roxthamycin,tolysin,tilmicosin,lincomycin and clindamycin were 72.5%(29/40),67.5%(27/40),72.5%(29/40),62.5%(25/40),65%(26/40)and 62.5%(25/40),respectively.Penicillin resistance was also found among 40% of the isolates tested.Resistance to the other agents were more common among penicillin-resistant isolates than among penicillin-susceptible ones.Constitutive,inducible and M phenotype of resistance were detected in 58.6%,24.1% and 17.2% of erythromycin resistant strains,respectively.Whereas,40% of the M phenotype isolates,58.8% of the constitutive phenotype strains and 57.1% of the inducible phenotype isolates were all penicillin resistant.
Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University
国家 973项目子专题 (G19990 1190 6)