在科学研究中 ,研究性访谈作为一种定性研究方法得到了广泛的应用 ,然而这种定性方法在当前的研究领域中并没有受到足够的重视。本文立足于研究性访谈这种重要的研究方法 ,着重讨论三个问题 :一是研究性访谈的概念、分类和程序 ;二是目前关于研究性访谈的方法论研究 ;最后对研究性访谈的应用和发展进行了评价和展望。作者认为结构因素可能是影响访谈效度的主要因素 ;而信度与结构化、标准化、主试培训等因素有关 ;社会背景和访谈情境的交互作用将成为未来访谈研究的新趋势 ;研究性访谈在我国的应用存在一定的文化适应问题 ,并有待加强和科学化。
As a method of qualitative research, research interview has been widely used in the scientific domain. The present paper focuses on three points about research interview. Firstly, it represents the conception, categories, and stages of research interview. Secondly, it reviews the study of methodology of research interview, including the three major schools in research interviewing and the validity and reliability of research interview. Finally, the paper reviews the application and development of research interview. We think that structure is one of the main factors affecting validity, structuralization, and standardization, and interviewer training also has an effect on reliability, and cultural factors must be considered when we use research interview in China.
Journal of Psychological Science