目的 :在应激应对理论的基础之上 ,发展“中国运动员应激应对量表”并对其作初步的检验。方法 :( 1)大量阅读相关文献及对中国大陆、香港各 4 0名高水平运动员进行访谈研究 ,确定量表的理论模型 ,完成各分量表中项目的编写 ,形成最初的量表 ;( 2 )对 165名中国大陆高水平运动员进行施测 ,根据测试结果对各分量表中的项目进行修订 ;( 3)分别对 15 0名中国大陆高水平运动员及 10 8名香港高水平运动员进行施测 ,检验修订后的量表的信度和效度。结果 :经过修订后最终形成的“中国运动员应激应对量表”由集中解决问题的应对、集中处理情绪的应对、回避应对、超越应对 4个分量表构成 ,每个分量表包含 6个项目 ,全表共包含 2 4个项目。量表中 4个分量表的内部一致性系数均在 0 70以上 ,验证性因素分析的结果显示量表具有较好的拟合度 (CFI =0 91,TLI =0 90 ,RMSEA =0 0 5 )。结论 :检验的结果表明该量表具有较好的信度和效度。
Objective:To develop 'Coping Scale for Chinese Athletes (CSCA)' based on the theories on stress coping, as well as to test the reliability and validity of the scale. Methods: (1) Determined constructs of CSCA and completed items writing through an extensive literature review and an interview research administered to 40 elite China's Mainland athletes and 40 elite Hong Kong athletes; (2) Examined and revised items through an empirical research administered to 165 elite China's Mainland athletes; (3) Assessed psychometric properties of revised CSCA through an empirical research administered to 150 elite China's Mainland athletes and 108 elite Hong Kong athletes. Results:The revised CSCA consisted of four subscales, namely, problem-focused coping, emotion-focused coping, avoidance coping, and transcendence coping. Each subscale included 6 items. Internal consistency analysis indicated that all alpha coefficients of four subscales were above 0.70, and structural equation modeling analysis got acceptable fit indices (CFI=0.91, TLI=0.90, RMSEA=0.05). Conclusion:The results suggested that the scale had good reliability and validity.
Chinese Journal of Sports Medicine