阐明慢性心力衰竭的病理生理机制对制定防治策略具有重要的作用。根据“内因”与“外因”的辩证关系 ,借鉴对肿瘤发病机制的一些认识 ,从另外一个角度对慢性心力衰竭的发病机制进行细致的剖析 ,以期为临床防治提供一个全新的方向。
It plays a great role in developing strategies for treatment of chroni c heart failure to elucidate its pathophysiological mechanism. Based on the und erstanding of the tumor and applying the discrimina ting relationship between “interner cause” and “outernal cause”, the mechani sm o f chronic heart failure has been explained again from another angle so as to pre sent a novel mode of preventing for chronic heart failure.
Medicine and Philosophy