目的 比较分析结核病控制项目县与非项目县二类不同干预措施对社会产生的疾病经济负担的影响 ,评价结核病控制措施的经济学效果。方法 采用WHO推荐的失能调整寿命年 (DALY)测算方法评价结核病人的疾病负担。结果 项目县初治例均DALY损失值为 0 0 8,复治为 0 2 5 ,非项目县初治为 0 11,复治为 0 48。结核病例均社会疾病经济总负担 ,项目县为 3 13 1元 ;非项目县为 12 3 95元 ,非项目县是项目县的 3 96倍。项目县初、复治结核病的DALY损失值和社会例均直接、间接经济负担及社会负担均明显低于非项目县。结论 本研究揭示了 1名结核病人给社会造成的经济负担值得重视。
Objective To compare and analyze the effect of social disease burden for two different measure for project county and non-project county TB control,evaluate the financial effect of TB control measure. Methods To evaluate TB patients’ burden by DALY. Results The first-remedy average DALY 0.08,second-remedy was 0.25,the first-redmedy of TB patients’ average social financial burden of project county was RMB 3 131 Yuan,non-project county was 12 395 Yuan.Non-project county was 3.96 more than project county.The DALY social average direct and indirect financial burden and social burden of first、second-remedy TB patients in project county were all lower than that of non-project county. Conclusions This study discovers that one TB patient’s diseae burden is very high.
Chinese Preventive Medicine