目的 :了解儿童尿路感染的病原学特点。方法 :清洗外阴后接取清洁中段尿 10ml于灭菌容器中送微生物室做细菌培养及药敏试验。结果 :114例中段尿培养结果大肠杆菌 79例 ,变形杆菌14例 ,产气场杆菌 9例 ,粪肠球菌 6例 ,产碱假单胞菌 4例 ,金黄色葡萄球菌 2例。结论 :尿路感染的发生率女孩明显高于男孩约 3:1,病原菌以革兰氏阴性菌为主占 92 .98% ,大肠杆菌为优势菌群占6 9.2 9%。
Objective:To observe the etiology of children with urinal tract infection. Method: The mid-portion urine samples were received in 114 children and cultured. Then the results were observed and the drug sensitivity was tested.Result: 79 coliuria samples, 14 proteus urine, 9 gasoformans, 4 alcaligenes,6 faecalisand 2 staphylococcus aureus urine samples respectively were found,Conclusion: The incidence of infection of urinal tract was more in girls than that in boys. The rate of girls/boys was 3/1 and the infectious bacteria is mainly the gram-negative one (92.98%).
Qinghai Medical Journal