中共十五届五中全会通过的《关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划的建议》以及江泽民“七一”讲话中都提出要深化关于劳动和劳动价值理论的要求 ,理论界对此积极响应。本文对大家发表的研究观点作一综述。主要有关于对劳动价值理论的重新认识与评价 ,关于价值的源泉 ,关于劳动价值论与收入分配 ,关于知识、科学技术、经营管理及第三产业是否创造价值的问题。
The author of the article summarizes some viewpoints on the Labour and the labour theory of value. They are revaluation of the labour theory of value, different views on deepening the labour theory of value, what labour creates value, the labour theory of value and the income distribution and whether knowledge, science and technology and operation and management create value.
Journal of Shanxi Provincial Committee Party School of C.P.C