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6The progressive potential of joumalism education,Stephen Reese,Harvard Intemational Journal of Press/Politics,Fall 99. 被引量:1
7Fred Fedler etal."Journalism's Status in Academia:a Candidate for E,imination?",Joumalism and Mass Communication Educator,1998,53(2). 被引量:1
8Charles L.Overby,Chairman and CEO,The Freedocn Forum News(www.freddomforum.org),Fducators,journalists can work together . 被引量:1
9Robert H.Giles,Media Studies Canter,Remarks to accrediting council members at ACEJMC spring meeting,Chapel Hill,N.C.May2,1998,www.freedomforum.org. 被引量:1
10Ruth O'Brien,"Values'assuming greater role in journalism education,practice,Special to The Freedom Forum Online www.freedomforum.org 被引量:1