在日常的医疗活动中 ,医患之间对医疗结果不可避免地存在着不同认知 ,故医患关系的不协调或医患冲突难以避免。近年来医患关系紧张成为了大众关心的热门话题 ,而医患关系紧张的其中一个重要原因是缺乏沟通 ,医患之间没有建立融洽、互相信任的关系 ,这就使加强医患沟通显得十分重要 ,加强医患沟通不仅是减少医疗纠纷、缓解医患关系的重要手段 ,同时也是提高医疗质量、提高医院声誉的需要。
During routine medical practice, the differences of cognitions of doctor and patient to medical results are inevitable. Hence, medical dissensions are inevitable. In recent years, the intensity of relationship of doctor and patient is focused on by the public. One of important reasons for the intensity is little communication and there is no harmonious and trustful relationship between doctor and patient. So it is important to strengthen communication between doctor and patient. Strengthening communication between doctor and patient is not only an important way to reduce medical dissension and alleviate relationship of doctor and patient, but only a requirement of improving quality of medical service and hospital's prestige.
Chinese Health Service Management