With competition and the customer contest cost rising in the service industry, the problem of customer relationship commitment has become a focus of the marketing practitioners and researchers. Customer commitment has two components: customer's attitude commitment and customer's economic commitment. The former explores current customer relationship from the perspective of customer's emotions, while the latter from the customer's economic (cost/income analysis) perspective. Customer's attitude commitment includes cognizable commitment, emotional commitment and cognitive commitment. Customer's economic commitment includes commitment based on side-beck and commitment based on alternative suppliers. The economic motivation of customer relationship continuance results in the continual commitment; and the emotional motivation of customer relationship continuance results in the attitude commitment. Therefore, the explanation of customer relationship's continuance cannot be merely based on the economic motivation or the emotional motivation of the participators to understand. It must integrate these two motivations to review the problem of the customer relationship continuance entirely. Customer commitment is the essence of customer relationship continuance. In the forming mechanism model of customer relationship commitment, the economic motivation and emotional motivation are the modulators of such factors as value criterion, service quality. Based on a briefly review of up to date researches, this paper summarizes the connotation of customer relationship commitment, analyzes the main influencing factors and behavior consequences of customer relationship commitment, and discusses the theoretical model and its mechanism of customer relationship commitment.
Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
customer relationship commitment
forming mechanism
theoretical model
customer relationship management