1978年至1981年对1160例食管场放射治疗,1、3、5、10年生存率分别为45.9%、19.6%、9.5%和5.6%,生存10年以上65例中,死亡14例。影响远期生存的多因素中,病灶长度对预后不起决定作用,主要影响是肿瘤外侵程度,病灶位于下段预后差,X线分型依次为蕈伞型、髓质型、溃疡型预后较好,缩窄型最差,病理分型以未分化癌、鳞癌较敏感,腺癌差。疗前有锁骨上转移较无转移差.照射以3野为好,照射剂量50~70Gy生存率最高。 治疗失败原因主要为复发、未控、转移。
1160 esophageal cancer patients treated from 1987 to 1981 were analyzed. The 1-, 3-, 5-, 7- and 10- year survival rates were 45.9%, 19.6%, 13.3%, 9.5% and 5.6%. The length of the tumor was irrelevant to the prognosis but the degree of ex-tra-esophageal invasion was crucial. Lesions in the ower segment was poor in pro-gnasis. The prognostic X-ray typing, in decreasing order, was fungating, medullary ulcerating and stenosing. Pathologic subtypes showed that anaplastic and squa-mous cell carcinoma were more sensitive than was adenocarcinoma.Patients with supraclavicular metastasis did worse than those without. The 3- field technique to a total dose of 51-60 Gy and 61-70 Gy was best.
Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology