一、充满悖论的历史观 任何一个具有悠久文化传统的国家和民族,几乎无一例外地面临一个现实问题:那就是如何协调传统与现代关系,如何使自身的传统文化范式在现代获得新的生命力和新的发展形式,进而完成传统范式创造性转化的问题。导致这种文化心理困境的原因。
Islam is a kind of inner-oriented religion. It would form a particularlydefinite pattern of recognising and knowing when it merges itself with people'sways of thinking, behavior and living. Its arguemeat of historical cycle andoutlook of soul salvation are of a common character; its religious doctrine andpolitical thought come from the same source; it directly dominates state politics. Islamic reformism intends to transform this definite pattern of recognizingand knowing formed in religious tradition into the force for modernization. Themeasure it has adopted to achieve the goal is 'reconcilement' e. t. reconcilingthe relationship of Islamic dectrine with morality, science and reasen, modernpolitical system, nationalism and socialism. Indeed, it wants to call forth,through science and reason, the vigour of people's nature of the main part andtheir ego so as to complete the creative transformation of the tradition. Modernization is a process of going out from traditional society, a processof the shift form the norm of political philosophy and culture based upon feudalrelation of production to that based upon capitalist or socialist relation of prod-uction. It is not only a process of social-economic modernization, but also, firstof all, a process of political-cultural modernization. Islamid reformism opposes'overall westernization', it contrives to transform the norm of traditional cultureof a nation into a modernized one, not gives up the old tradition simply. It isof great significance.
West Asia and Africa