At the beginning of 1973, a total of twenty-two Western Han tombs were excavatedat T'ao-chin-k'eng in the northeastern part of the City of Canton. These tombs all have an oblong shaft and may be divided into three types accordingto the structure of the tomb chamber: (1) those with a simple oblong shaft,(2) shafttombs with a wooden chamber and (3) shaft tombs with a passage leading to the woodenchamber. The number of tomb furniture fund in each tomb varies from six totwenty-six. Of the total of 429 pieces of tomb furniture unearthed about eightyper cent are pottery, the rest being bronzes, iron objects and a few objects of jade andstone. The grouping of pottery in each tomb has provided an important criterion for dating.The authors have been able to discern four salient types of grouping: (1) weng-vase,kuan-vase, fu-cauldron and chuan tseng steamer; (2) ting-tripod, box, hu-vase and fang-vase; and (3) p'ou-vase, box with three feet and kuan-vase with three feet; and (4)models of well, stove and granary. Typological studies of pottery, bronze mirrors andother objects unearthed show that those tombs which contain either of the first three typesof pottery groupings date from early Western Han, while Tombs No. 22 and No. 26, whichyielded the fourth type of pottery grouping, date from middle Western Han. Judgingby the shapes of the pottery unearthed, the first group of twenty tombs may be furtherdivided into two sub-groups. The first consists of Tombs No. 3, 4, 6, 7, 15 and 25 whilethe second includes Tombs No. 1, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23 and 24. Theupper limit of the Sub-Group Ⅰ corresponds to the end of the Ch'in dynasty. Thelower limit of Sub-Group Ⅱ probably corresponds to the reign of Yuan Ting of EmperorWu-ti (116-111 B. C.), with the reigns of Emperors Wen and Ching serving as the wa-tershed between the two groups. A comparison of the tomb structures and bronze seals found in these tombs withthose found in the early Western Han tombs hitherto excavated at Canton suggests thatthese tombs p
Acta Archaeologica Sinica