目的 提高对飞行员发作性睡病临床特征和诊断的认识. 方法 分析1例飞行员发作性睡病的临床资料及诊断并复习相关文献. 结果 本例临床表现为白天嗜睡、发作性猝倒、睡眠幻觉以及夜间睡眠紊乱,多次睡眠潜伏时间试验证实其平均睡眠潜伏时间为2.9 min,并出现3次睡眠始发快速眼动睡眠期,完全符合国际睡眠障碍性疾病分类第2版关于发作性睡病的诊断标准,并与文献报告一致.确诊后飞行结论为飞行不合格. 结论 发作性睡病在飞行员中极其罕见,诊断应谨慎.招飞体检和航医实践中应重视嗜睡症状,关注猝倒的特殊意义,增强对发作性睡病等少见睡眠疾病的诊断意识.
objective to better understand the cliuical characteristics of narcolepsy and to improve the diagnosis. method a case of pilot's narcolepsy was analyzed on clinical characteristics and the related literatures were reviewed. results clinical characteristics of the case were excessive daytime sleep,cataplexy,hypnopompic hallucinations and disruption of night sleep. multiple sleep latency test (mslt) showed that mean sleep latency was 2.9 min and combined with 3 sleep onset rapid eye movement periods (soremps).the finding was exactly consistent with the narcolepsy diagnosis criteria of international classification of sleep disorder,which mentioned in the 2nd edition of diagnostic and coding manual that issued by american academy of sleep medicine,and with the literatures.the pilot was finally disqualified. conclusions narcolepsy is extremely rare in pilots and its diagnosis should be cautious.we suggest that the emphasized attention should be paid to the pilot with significant excessive daytime sleep and eataplexy,and the awareness of seldom sleep disorders,such as narcolepsy should be strengthened in recruitmcnt and aeromedical practice.
Chinese Journal of Aerospace Medicine