
集体资产股份质押的特别性与制度完善 被引量:2

Particularity and Perfection of the Collective Asset Share Pledge
摘要 集体资产股份由集体成员享有的身份性,促成了股份转让的限制性与封闭性。股权户行使股份的复杂性、股份转让的限制性与封闭性,凸显了出质决定主体多元化、出质客体宜为股份而非股权、质权实现难等特别性。股份出质需取得股份行使主体股权户即户内其他享有股份的集体成员与农村集体经济组织同意。以具有生存保障功能的股份出质,应降低股份质押率,并强制管理股份分红而非拍卖、变卖股份;若集体股特殊功能可以通过质押贷款加速实现,宜允许集体股出质。为促进质权实现,既应允许出质人经质权人同意,在质押期间转让已出质的股份,并以转让价款提前清偿质押债权,又要完善债权到期后股份的赎回、收储、对外交易等制度,而且收储是赎回不能、对外交易是收储不能时质权的补充实现方式。 The identity of collective asset shares enjoyed by collective members has contributed to the restriction and closure of share transfer.The complexity of the exercise of shares by equity households and the restriction and closure of share transfers highlight the particularity such as the diversification of the pledge determination subject,the preference of the pledge object should be shares rather than equity,and the difficulty in realizing pledge rights.The pledge of shares requires the consent of the households that exercise the shares,that is,the other collective members who enjoy the shares in the household,and the rural collective economic organization.To pledge shares with survival protection functions,the share pledge rate should be lowered,and share dividends should be managed compulsorily instead of auction or sale of shares.If the special function of collective shares can be accelerated through pledge loans,it is advisable to allow collective shares to be pledged.In order to facilitate the realization of the pledge,it is necessary to allow the pledgor to transfer the shares during the pledge period with the consent of the pledgee,and pay off the pledged creditor’s rights in advance with the transfer price.At the same time,the systems of redemption,collection and storage and open trading of shares after the expiration of the creditor’s rights shall be improved,and the collection and storage is the supplementary realization of the pledge when the redemption cannot be made,and the open trading is the supplementary realization of the pledge when the collection and storage cannot be made.
作者 高海 朱婷 GAO Hai;ZHU Ting(School of Law,Anhui University of Finance and Economics,Bengbu 233030,China)
出处 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期144-163,共20页 Hebei Law Science
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“集体产权制度改革中农村集体经济组织立法问题研究”(19BFX147)
关键词 集体资产 股份质押 集体成员 农村集体经济组织 质权实现 collective assets share pledge collective members rural collective economic organizations realization of pledge
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