摘要长期以来,在写作研究领域和课堂写作教学中,衡量学生写作的重点往往停留在完成稿(the written product)上,而很少考虑产生于写作过程中的各种因素,以及这些因素对完成稿的影响。我们较为熟悉的传统写作教学方法通常是先由教师讲授写作要点、分析文章类型和题材结构,等等。然后,学生按照教师所教的内容和所规定的条条框框练习写作。
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2Murray, D~. M. 1980. Writing as process: How wrilir;g finds its own meaning. In T. R. Dencv:n and B. W. McCldland ((ds), Eight approaches in teaching writing. Urbana, 112: National Council ok Teachers of English. 被引量:1
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7Zame, V. 1987. Writing: The process or disc~vering meaning. In M. H. Long and J. C. R~chards (td~.), Method in TESOL: A book of readings. N~w Yrk: N~whury House Publishers. 被引量:1