Objective To study the potential of functional MRI (fMRI) during passive finger extension (FE) for predicting the motor function recovery of hemiplegic stroke survivors. Methods Nineteen survivors of a 1 st cere- bral infarction in the non-M1 cortex with complete paralysis on one side were selected for study. Within 1 week after the stroke, fMRI was performed while one of the patient's paralyzed fingers was passively flexed and extended, fMRI signals were acquired from the sensorimotor cortex ( SMC ), the supplementary motor area ( SMA ) and the premotor area (PM). Fugl-Meyer (FM) scores of arm motor function were recorded one week, one month and three months after the stroke. Results The early fMRI results were used to classify cortex activation performances as type I (activation mainly on the affected side, but SMC and SMA activated bilaterally) , type II (activation of the SMC and SMA only on the affected side) or type III (only activation of the SMC on the affected side). At one week after stroke the average FM scores of the three groups were not significantly different. At one month the three average FM scores were 47.1 ± 5.5 points, 36 ± 6.7 points and 11.2 ± 3.1 points, for groups I, II and III respectively, each significantly different from the others. At three months the average FM ratings of groups I (61.1 ± 3.8 points) and II (59 ± 5.2 points) were not significantly different, but both were significantly higher than the average score of group III( 10.8 ± 5.6 points). Conclusion The early stage fMRI characteristics of hemiplegic patients can be used for predicting motor outcomes.
Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation