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作者 孙昭仪 《华文文学》 2023年第1期43-49,共7页
《西夏旅馆》作为骆以军创作生涯中最重要的作品之一,使用了华丽的语言、繁复的意象和现代、后现代的写作手法,具有强烈的先锋性质。而作品通过历史上西夏人的流亡经验隐喻外省人的异乡漂泊经历,充满了寓言性。梦境的超现实特质使得它... 《西夏旅馆》作为骆以军创作生涯中最重要的作品之一,使用了华丽的语言、繁复的意象和现代、后现代的写作手法,具有强烈的先锋性质。而作品通过历史上西夏人的流亡经验隐喻外省人的异乡漂泊经历,充满了寓言性。梦境的超现实特质使得它成为连接过去与现在、此地与彼地、现实与虚构的重要方式。通过对梦境的描绘,特别是对兼具梦境形式与内容的“西夏旅馆”的创造,骆以军对台湾地区外省人的流亡命运进行了跨时空勾勒,对外省群体的民族、政治等身份困境进行了探寻,并试图寻找外省后代在台湾地区的自我定位和未来道路。 展开更多
关键词 骆以军 《西夏旅馆》 梦境 外省人
赖声川戏剧中的台湾外省人形象及身份认同 被引量:2
作者 胡明华 《台湾研究集刊》 CSSCI 2013年第4期87-94,共8页
赖声川在有关台湾外省人形象的剧作中,呈现了外省人第二代在身份认同上的心路历程。这些外省人形象,折射出他们从最初承继父辈的大中华观念,至意识到这种观念的现实障碍,再从两代人不同的生命体验出发,重新思考、调整对自身处境的认知,... 赖声川在有关台湾外省人形象的剧作中,呈现了外省人第二代在身份认同上的心路历程。这些外省人形象,折射出他们从最初承继父辈的大中华观念,至意识到这种观念的现实障碍,再从两代人不同的生命体验出发,重新思考、调整对自身处境的认知,理性地容纳对台湾的在地情怀和对大陆的民族血缘、中华文化的精神传承。对此客观、准确的解读有助于我们对台湾社会的一个重要侧面之理解,为理解和把握两岸关系提供有益的启示。 展开更多
关键词 赖声川 台湾 外省人 身份认同
作者 徐翔 《郑州航空工业管理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第1期74-78,共5页
《桃花井》是作家蒋晓云阔别文坛三十年后的复出之作,作品以细腻的笔法勾勒出了身在台湾的外省人真实的生存状态。作者极擅长写大时代下小人物的命运遭际和颠沛流离,并将他们的故事谱就一曲无言的哀恸长歌。无根的焦虑感折磨着这些外省... 《桃花井》是作家蒋晓云阔别文坛三十年后的复出之作,作品以细腻的笔法勾勒出了身在台湾的外省人真实的生存状态。作者极擅长写大时代下小人物的命运遭际和颠沛流离,并将他们的故事谱就一曲无言的哀恸长歌。无根的焦虑感折磨着这些外省人,书中的主人公开始了自己的寻根之旅。但寻根并不意味着一定能找到自己的精神归属,历尽磨难的重逢变了味道,文化个性的冲突、亲情的淡漠、人心的算计、利益的挤压,让这寻根之旅仿佛成了另一次的流亡,带着无尽的沉重,也让人看到了人生百态。 展开更多
关键词 《桃花井》 蒋晓云 文学研究 外省人 流亡 寻根 归乡
作者 陈先才 苏晗之 《台湾研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期68-77,共10页
族群政治斗争是台湾政党恶斗本源,而"省籍矛盾"则是台湾族群政治斗争根基。"外省人"作为跟随国民党当局来台族群,族群政治天然地被认为是"中国认同"与效忠国民党。然而,事实上越来越多的"外省人&qu... 族群政治斗争是台湾政党恶斗本源,而"省籍矛盾"则是台湾族群政治斗争根基。"外省人"作为跟随国民党当局来台族群,族群政治天然地被认为是"中国认同"与效忠国民党。然而,事实上越来越多的"外省人"背弃原本的族群政治,选择加入表现为"台独认同"的民进党,并且在民进党担任越来越重要的角色。本文利用政治心理学的"个人与群体"理论与"传统的人物传记"方法论,尝试梳理并阐释"外省人"早期加入民进党的政治心理原因。经过个性分析到共性归纳研究发现,"西式民主思想的冲击,‘失望绝望’心理构建,血缘与成长生活环境‘本省化’,以及个人利益追求的作祟"为"外省人"早期加入民进党的主要原因。本研究从学科交叉运用的角度,丰富了台湾族群政治变动的原因认识。 展开更多
关键词 外省人 民进党 政治心理 族群政治
作者 刘贤汉 《浙江树人大学学报》 2010年第4期83-88,共6页
在后殖民语境下的当代台湾社会,"身份认同"成为一个严重的社会问题,外省第二代作家朱天心在《想我眷村的兄弟们》中以"蝙蝠"意象表现外省人"身份认同"的尴尬,又将眷村生活作为一段历史"记忆"... 在后殖民语境下的当代台湾社会,"身份认同"成为一个严重的社会问题,外省第二代作家朱天心在《想我眷村的兄弟们》中以"蝙蝠"意象表现外省人"身份认同"的尴尬,又将眷村生活作为一段历史"记忆"加以追叙,揭示出外省人"身份认同"的种种吊诡之处,表明她对所谓"认同"问题的明确认识。 展开更多
关键词 朱天心小说 后殖民语境 身份认同 外省人 蝙蝠
作者 李竹筠 《华文文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期109-115,共7页
台湾的统、独之争与政治认同问题,既携带着历史创伤记忆的"陈迹",也体现着政治格局与"立国精神"的"新变",深刻影响着包括眷村文学在内的台湾文学、文化研究。但既有的政治认同概念并不周延。置于历史的... 台湾的统、独之争与政治认同问题,既携带着历史创伤记忆的"陈迹",也体现着政治格局与"立国精神"的"新变",深刻影响着包括眷村文学在内的台湾文学、文化研究。但既有的政治认同概念并不周延。置于历史的发展脉络中,认同毋宁是一个多元流窜的动态过程。以"文化乡愁"的角度切入考察眷村文学,勾勒其文化资源的多元来源和认知流变,则有其逻辑上的自洽性。 展开更多
关键词 政治认同 文化乡愁 族群 外省人 眷村文学
台湾外省第二代家族书写研究 被引量:3
作者 陈美霞 《台湾研究集刊》 CSSCI 2012年第1期72-78,共7页
近年,台湾的认同问题越发引起关注。面对父辈的衰弱与消亡,外省第二代作家张大春、骆以军、陈玉慧等纷纷介入家族小说的创作,企图以文字为"我族"保存记忆与建构认同。他们有着相似的关怀与焦虑,但外省族群内部并非铁板一块。... 近年,台湾的认同问题越发引起关注。面对父辈的衰弱与消亡,外省第二代作家张大春、骆以军、陈玉慧等纷纷介入家族小说的创作,企图以文字为"我族"保存记忆与建构认同。他们有着相似的关怀与焦虑,但外省族群内部并非铁板一块。本文旨在厘清外省第二代作家近期小说中的家国想象与族群建构,同时论述空间地景与文化记忆所彰显的多音交叠的差异性认同取向。 展开更多
关键词 外省第二代 家族/族群书写 空间地景 文化认同 多音交叠
作者 马楠楠 《唐都学刊》 2012年第3期115-119,共5页
CEPA之后,港产合拍片中的内地人形象较之以往发生了很大变化,主要表现为以下两类:时尚与现代的都市"新移民"以及传统伦理价值观的守护者。某种程度上而言,这两种形象都是对内地人的美化和天使化,究其原因在于回归后港人国族... CEPA之后,港产合拍片中的内地人形象较之以往发生了很大变化,主要表现为以下两类:时尚与现代的都市"新移民"以及传统伦理价值观的守护者。某种程度上而言,这两种形象都是对内地人的美化和天使化,究其原因在于回归后港人国族认同意识的日益增强以及香港电影对广大内地市场的依赖与迎合。合拍片中内地人形象的凸显对于促进两地演技人才交流以及加强两岸同胞的文化认同起到了重要的作用,但同时也存在一些问题,值得我们关注和反思。 展开更多
关键词 港产合拍片 内地人形象 身份认同 地域文化
作者 胡明华 《台湾研究集刊》 CSSCI 2014年第4期87-94,共8页
作为台湾具有代表性的外省第二代作家,李国修接收到了父辈遗留下来的移民身份和创伤记忆,从而形成了自己的创伤体验,并将之作为其戏剧表达的主要课题。他以戏剧形式记录并修补了父辈的创伤与遗憾。同时,面对父辈传递下来的创伤体验,他... 作为台湾具有代表性的外省第二代作家,李国修接收到了父辈遗留下来的移民身份和创伤记忆,从而形成了自己的创伤体验,并将之作为其戏剧表达的主要课题。他以戏剧形式记录并修补了父辈的创伤与遗憾。同时,面对父辈传递下来的创伤体验,他也以戏剧艺术纾解、治疗自己对灾难重演的恐惧和身份认同被破坏的焦虑,表达了对生命安定的渴求。从创伤心理学的理论视野对李国修的戏剧创作进行观照,既能真切感受到台湾外省第一代的移民创痛,更可深入理解台湾外省第二代所特有的现实和精神处境,从而对台湾社会有更为深刻的理解。 展开更多
关键词 李国修 戏剧 台湾外省第二代 创伤记忆
作者 田广文 《莆田学院学报》 2015年第3期61-67,共7页
阐述台湾戏剧家李国修身为外省第二代,在他的戏剧作品中呈现了外省第二代所特有的在生命、政治、文化认同等方面的困境,以及通过对于自身生命体验的忠实记录来建构庶民身份认同的努力。从身份认同的角度分析李国修的戏剧,既能深入理解... 阐述台湾戏剧家李国修身为外省第二代,在他的戏剧作品中呈现了外省第二代所特有的在生命、政治、文化认同等方面的困境,以及通过对于自身生命体验的忠实记录来建构庶民身份认同的努力。从身份认同的角度分析李国修的戏剧,既能深入理解台湾外省第二代的生存处境与复杂的心理状态,也有利于认识台湾社会族群生态的发展历史。 展开更多
关键词 李国修 戏剧 台湾外省第二代 身份
Surveillance of Hand,Foot,and Mouth Disease in China's Mainland (2008-2009) 被引量:77
作者 ZHU Qi HAO YuanTao +2 位作者 MA JiaQi YU ShiCheng WANG Yu 《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期349-356,共8页
Objective Since HFMD was designated as a class C communicable disease in May 2008,18 months surveillance data have been accumulated to December 2009.This article was to describe the distribution of HFMD for age,sex,ar... Objective Since HFMD was designated as a class C communicable disease in May 2008,18 months surveillance data have been accumulated to December 2009.This article was to describe the distribution of HFMD for age,sex,area,and time between 2008 and 2009,to reveal the characteristics of the epidemic.Methods We analyzed weekly reported cases of HFMD from May 2008 to December 2009,and presented data on the distribution of age,sex,area and time.A discrete Poisson model was used to detect spatial-temporal clusters of HFMD.Results More than 1 065 000 cases of HFMD were reported in China's Mainland from May 2008 to December 2009 (total incidence:12.47 per 10 000).Male incidence was higher than female for all ages and 91.9% of patients were 5 years old.The incidence was highest in Beijing,Shanghai,Zhejiang and Hainan.The highest peak of HFMD cases was in April and the number of cases remained high from April to August.The spatial-temporal distribution detected four clusters.Conclusion Children 5 years old were susceptible to HFMD and we should be aware of their vulnerability.The incidence was higher in urban than rural areas,and an annual pandemic usually starts in April. 展开更多
关键词 HAND FOOT and mouth disease China's mainland SURVEILLANCE Epidemiologic features
我国大陆高精度、高分辨率大地水准面的研究和实施 被引量:67
作者 陈俊勇 李健成 +2 位作者 宁津生 张骥 张燕平 《测绘学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期95-100,共6页
首先结合高分辨率的 DTM和现有重力资料推算我国局域重力大地水准面 ;然后再和我国 GPS水准所构成的高程异常控制网拟合 ,推算了具有分米级精度 ,1 5′× 1 5′分辨率的我国大陆大地水准面。
关键词 中国 大陆 大地水准面 DTM 重力资料 GPS水准 精度 数字高程测量
论21世纪大陆新武侠 被引量:64
作者 韩云波 《西南师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第4期150-156,共7页
"21世纪大陆新武侠"简称"大陆新武侠",这一概念于2004年正式提出。大陆新武侠具有鲜明的不同于港台新武侠的特点:一是大陆新武侠的"江湖"表现了后现代语境下的现代追求;二是女性武侠小说作为一个突出的... "21世纪大陆新武侠"简称"大陆新武侠",这一概念于2004年正式提出。大陆新武侠具有鲜明的不同于港台新武侠的特点:一是大陆新武侠的"江湖"表现了后现代语境下的现代追求;二是女性武侠小说作为一个突出的现象改变了武侠小说性别政治的固有格局;三是强调学养与智慧的武侠智性写作,丰富和提升了武侠小说的类型界域与文体品位;四是大陆新武侠的广域叙事,从知识立场上拓展了武侠小说的文体类型。上述特点,共同形成了短短几年来大陆新武侠创作的繁荣,表现着大陆新武侠巨大的类型发展潜力。 展开更多
关键词 21世纪 武侠小说 中国大陆 “大陆新武侠” 后现代语境 文体类型 广域叙事 女性主义
Crustal deformation on the Chinese mainland during 1998—2004 based on GPS data 被引量:62
作者 Zhao Bin Huang Yong +3 位作者 Zhang Caihong Wang Wei Tan Kai Du Rinlin 《Geodesy and Geodynamics》 2015年第1期7-15,共9页
This study focuses on resolving moderate amounts of crustal motion at the continental scale based on a large volume of global positioning system(GPS) data during 1998e2014. A state-of-the-art GPS processing strategy... This study focuses on resolving moderate amounts of crustal motion at the continental scale based on a large volume of global positioning system(GPS) data during 1998e2014. A state-of-the-art GPS processing strategy was used to resolve position time series and velocities from carrier beat phases for all available data. Position time series were closely analyzed to estimate linear constant, coseismic displacements, postseismic motions, and other parameters. We present coseismic offsets inferred from the GPS data for the 2010 Yushu and 2014 Yutian earthquakes, and also illustrate transient postseismic motions following the 2001 Kokoxili, 2008 Wenchuan, and 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquakes. Since not all GPS position time series dominated by postseismic motions can be modeled and corrected reasonably, we present contemporary horizontal velocities from 2009 to 2014 for campaign stations and from 1998 to 2014 for continuous stations, irrespective of postseismic deformations. Our study concludes that we need to accumulate observations over a greater duration and apply accurate postseismic modeling to correct for transient displacement in order to resolve reasonable interseismic velocity. 展开更多
关键词 Velocity field Coseismic deformation Postseismic deformation Error analysis Chinese mainland
两岸三地主要沿海港口动态效率评价——基于DEA-Malmquist全要素生产率指数 被引量:53
作者 李兰冰 刘军 李春辉 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期80-84,共5页
以DEA-Malmquist全要素生产率指数为理论工具,对两岸三地主要沿海港口的动态效率予以评价,考量各地港口的竞争地位和竞争态势。研究发现:(1)港口总体绩效不佳,且呈逐年恶化趋势,可能是受金融危机影响;(2)规模无效率是港口绩效不佳的根源... 以DEA-Malmquist全要素生产率指数为理论工具,对两岸三地主要沿海港口的动态效率予以评价,考量各地港口的竞争地位和竞争态势。研究发现:(1)港口总体绩效不佳,且呈逐年恶化趋势,可能是受金融危机影响;(2)规模无效率是港口绩效不佳的根源,可能是港口资源分散造成的;(3)香港地区港口竞争力最强,台湾地区最弱,大陆居中;(4)大陆地区,长三角港口竞争力最强,其次为环渤海、福建及珠三角;(5)据吞吐量-效率矩阵,两岸三地港口可划分为精干、强壮、肥胖和瘦弱四种类型;(6)台湾地区全要素生产率趋于下降,效率恶化和技术退步是其双重成因;大陆趋于优化,主要得益于技术进步;香港地区先提升、后停滞,但仍呈现一定技术进步特征。 展开更多
关键词 两岸三地 港口效率 数据包络分析 Malmquist全要素生产率指数
Focal depth research of earthquakes in China's Mainland: Implication for tectonics 被引量:41
作者 ZHANG Guomin WANG Suyun +2 位作者 LI Li ZHANG Xiaodong MA Hongsheng 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE CAS 2002年第12期969-974,1057-1058,共8页
Focal depth data of earthquakes in China's Mainland are processed and analyzed in this paper, as well as the relationship between the focal depths and large-scale tectonic structures. As a basic parameter for eart... Focal depth data of earthquakes in China's Mainland are processed and analyzed in this paper, as well as the relationship between the focal depths and large-scale tectonic structures. As a basic parameter for earthquakes, focal depth is used to investigate deep environment of seis-mogenic regions, tectonic backgrounds for concentration and release of seismic energy, the inner crustal deformation and its mechanic features. Depth data of 31282 ML≥2.0 events with 1st class and 2nd class precision in China's Mainland from Jan. 1, 1970 to May 31, 2000 are used to get spatial features of earthquakes distributed with depth and to provide average depth for each grid area throughout China. Researches show that the average depth (D) for all the earthquakes used in this paper is (16±7) km, and (13±6) km and (18±8) km for the events in eastern China and western China, respectively. The area with the deepest focal depth is located in southwest Xinjiang region, near the western and southwestern ends of the Tarim 展开更多
关键词 mainland China FOCAL depth.
台湾地区休闲农业发展的经验及对大陆的启示 被引量:38
作者 杜兴军 陈曦 《农业现代化研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期198-201,共4页
台湾地区休闲农业从最初的观光果园等到休闲农场,再到休闲农业园区历经30余年,始终坚持保护环境生态、活用农业资源和传承农村文化等发展策略。同时,基于资源整合需要,依托地缘关系、社区意识和社区总体营造理念建立休闲农业园区,通过... 台湾地区休闲农业从最初的观光果园等到休闲农场,再到休闲农业园区历经30余年,始终坚持保护环境生态、活用农业资源和传承农村文化等发展策略。同时,基于资源整合需要,依托地缘关系、社区意识和社区总体营造理念建立休闲农业园区,通过多种本地特色的体验方式辅导农民转型经营和推广休闲农业,强化其乡村性、生态性与体验性等产业特性,实现台湾地区农业永续经营和农村再生发展。依靠健全的制度、理念和规划,强化农民组织合作与策略联盟,推动资源整合及社区总体营造等具体措施发展休闲农业,改善农业产销结构,增加农民收益并释放出经济、社会、教育、休闲、文化和环保等多种功能,给今后大陆休闲农业发展提供了许多有益启示。 展开更多
关键词 台湾 大陆 休闲农业 休闲农业园区 农会组织 园区规划
Spatiotemporal dynamics of electric power consumption in Chinese Mainland from 1995 to 2008 modeled using DMSP/OLS stable nighttime lights data 被引量:26
作者 HE Chunyang MA Qun +2 位作者 LI Tong YANG Yang LIU Zhifeng 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期125-136,共12页
Electric power consumption (EPC) is one of the basic indices for evaluating electric power use. Obtaining timely and accurate data on the spatiotemporal dynamics of EPC is crucial for understanding and practical dep... Electric power consumption (EPC) is one of the basic indices for evaluating electric power use. Obtaining timely and accurate data on the spatiotemporal dynamics of EPC is crucial for understanding and practical deployment of electric power resources. In this study, an EPC model was developed using stable nighttime lights time-series data from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Operational Linescan System (DMSP/OLS). The model was used to reconstruct the spatial patterns of EPC in Chinese Mainland at the county level from 1995 to 2008. In addition, the spatiotemporal dynamics of EPC were analyzed, and the fol-lowing conclusions were drawn. (1) The EPC model reliably represented the spatiotemporal dynamics of EPC in Chinese Mainland with approximately 70% accuracy. (2) The EPC in most regions of Chinese Mainland was at low to moderate levels, with marked temporal and spatial variations; of high-level EPC, 58.26% was concentrated in eastern China. Six urban agglomerations (Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region, Shanghai-Nanjing-Hangzhou region, Pearl River Delta, Shandong Peninsula, middle-south of Liaoning Province, and Sichuan Basin) accounted for 10.69% of the total area of Chinese Mainland but consumed 39.23% of the electricity. (3) The EPC of most regions in Chinese Mainland increased from 1995 to 2008, and 64% of the mainland area showed a significant increase in EPC. Moderate increases in EPC were found in 61.62% of eastern China and 80.65% of central China from 1995 to 2008, whereas 75.69% of western China showed no significant increase in EPC. Meanwhile, 77.27%, 89.35%, and 66.72% of the Shanghai-Nanjing-Hangzhou region, Pearl River Delta, and Shandong Peninsula, respectively, showed high-speed increases in EPC. Moderate increases in EPC occurred in 71.12% and 72.13% of the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region and middle-south of Liaoning Province, respectively, while no significant increase occurred in 56.34% of the Sichuan Basin. 展开更多
关键词 DMSP/OLS electric power consumption spatiotemporal dynamics Chinese mainland
Characteristics of coastline changes in China's Mainland since the early 1940s 被引量:25
作者 HOU XiYong WU Ting +3 位作者 HOU Wan CHEN Qing WANG YuanDong YU LiangJu 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期1791-1802,共12页
Based on multi-temporal topographic maps, remote sensing images and field surveys covering the entire coastal zone of China's Mainland, the coastlines of six periods since the early 1940s were extracted. Coastline... Based on multi-temporal topographic maps, remote sensing images and field surveys covering the entire coastal zone of China's Mainland, the coastlines of six periods since the early 1940s were extracted. Coastline changes over the last 70 years were then analyzed in terms of coastline structure, coastline fractals, coastline change rates, land-sea patterns, and bay areas. The results showed that mainland coastline structure changed dramatically, and due to the significant coastline artificialization mainly driven by sea reclamation and coastal engineering, the remaining natural coastline merely accounts for less than one third at present. Coastline fractal dimension represented an overall spatial pattern of "north 〈 entirety 〈 south"; however, the discrepancy between the north and south coast was apparently narrowed due to dramatic coastline artificialization of northern China which in turn altered the whole pattern. Patterns and processes of land-sea interchange along the mainland coast were complex and varied spatially and temporally, with over 68% advancing toward sea and 22% retreating toward land. The net growth of land area was nearly 14.2 ×10^3 km2 with an average growth rate of 202.82 km2 al; and coast retreat was characterized by area decrease of 93 bays with a magnitude of 10.1 ×10^3 km2 and an average shrinking rate up to 18.19% or an average shrinking speed up to 144.20 km2 a-1, among which the total area of Bohai shrunk by 7.06%, with an average annual loss amounting to 82 km2. The dramatic coastline changes along China's Mainland have brought about kinds of challenges to the coastal environment, therefore the integrated management, effective environment protection and sustainable utilization of coastlines is urgent. 展开更多
关键词 China mainland coastline Coastline structure Coastline fractal dimension Coastline change rate Land-Sea change Bay area
Preliminary characterization of acute aortic dissection in the mainland of China 被引量:23
作者 WANG Dong-jin FAN Fu-dong +4 位作者 WANG Qiang LI Qing-guo ZHOU Qing WU Zhong SHI Guang-fei 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第11期1726-1730,共5页
Objective To explore the differences in the characteristics of acute aortic dissection (AAD) among less and more economically developed countries with various cultures and races. Data sources Reports from the Intern... Objective To explore the differences in the characteristics of acute aortic dissection (AAD) among less and more economically developed countries with various cultures and races. Data sources Reports from the International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection (IRAD) and the mainland of China (MC) were collected by searching the PubMed Database and the Chinese Journal Full-text Database from January 2000 to March 2009. Study selection Those reports from IRAD and MC containing larger numbers of cases and complete patients' information were selected, which focused on concrete issues of diagnosing or managing AAD were excluded if they were not able to reflect the overall characteristics of this condition. And the data from the article containing the largest number oatients reDorted bv the same medical center in MC were taken into statistics. 展开更多
关键词 acute aortic dissection mainland of China the International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection clinical feature
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