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湿法脱硫无旁路运行的问题及应对措施 被引量:21
作者 牛拥军 杨程 《热力发电》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第5期56-59,49,共5页
取消烟气旁路正逐渐发展成为烟气脱硫领域的新趋势。湿法烟气脱硫系统无旁路运行可能出现的问题有:锅炉冷态起炉过程中投油助燃时未燃尽油污及碳粒等对脱硫系统吸收塔浆液造成污染使之失效,除雾器叶片的沾污堵塞,煤种含硫量突变等运行... 取消烟气旁路正逐渐发展成为烟气脱硫领域的新趋势。湿法烟气脱硫系统无旁路运行可能出现的问题有:锅炉冷态起炉过程中投油助燃时未燃尽油污及碳粒等对脱硫系统吸收塔浆液造成污染使之失效,除雾器叶片的沾污堵塞,煤种含硫量突变等运行条件变化对脱硫系统带来的影响等。对此,提出以下措施:锅炉点火起动前尤其是冷态启动前,提前24 h对电除尘器的灰斗、绝缘支柱套管及放电极绝缘室进行加热;确保脱硫塔入口事故喷淋减温装置可靠投入;锅炉冷态起动投油助燃或低负荷投油稳燃阶段,加大除雾器冲洗频率和冲洗水量;吸收塔浆液异常时进行浆液置换;控制来煤品质,特别是灰分及硫分;加强脱硫系统的化学监督及脱硫系统的检修、维护和管理水平。 展开更多
关键词 火电厂 湿法烟气脱硫 旁路 无旁路运行 吸收塔浆液 除雾器 锅炉起动
Novel adjunctive treatments of myocardial infarction 被引量:10
作者 Michael Rahbek Schmidt Kasper Pryds Hans Erik Btker 《World Journal of Cardiology》 CAS 2014年第6期434-443,共10页
Myocardial infarction is a major cause of death and disability worldwide and myocardial infarct size is a major determinant of prognosis. Early and successful restoration of myocardial reperfusion following an ischemi... Myocardial infarction is a major cause of death and disability worldwide and myocardial infarct size is a major determinant of prognosis. Early and successful restoration of myocardial reperfusion following an ischemic event is the most effective strategy to reduce final infarct size and improve clinical outcome,but reperfusion may induce further myocardial damage itself. Development of adjunctive therapies to limit myocardial reperfusion injury beyond opening of the coronary artery gains increasing attention. A vast number of experimental studies have shown cardioprotective effects of ischemic and pharmacological conditioning,but despite decades of research,the translation into clinical effects has been challenging. Recently published clinical studies,however,prompt optimism as novel techniques allow for improved clinical applicability. Cyclosporine A,the GLP-1 analogue exenatide and rapid cooling by endovascular infusion of cold saline all reduce infarct size and may confer clinical benefit for patients admitted with acute myocardial infarcts. Equally promising,three follow-up studies of the effect of remote ischemic conditioning(RIC) show clinical prognostic benefit in patients undergoing coronary surgery and percutaneous coronary intervention. The discovery that RIC canbe performed noninvasively using a blood pressure cuff on the upper arm to induce brief episodes of limb ischemia and reperfusion has facilitated the translation of RIC into the clinical arena. This review focus on novel advances in adjunctive therapies in relation to acute and elective coronary procedures. 展开更多
关键词 Myocardial infarction Primary percutaneous intervention Coronary artery by-pass graft Ischemiareperfusion injury Ischemic preconditioning Remote ischemic conditioning CYCLOSPORINE Cooling EXENATIDE
1000MW超超临界机组热控技术特点分析 被引量:10
作者 朱晓星 寻新 吕佳 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期62-65,共4页
从热控软硬件多方面对某1 000 MW超超临界机组与典型600 MW超临界机组进行了对比分析。指出其在热控方面存在自动化要求更高、程控启停机、无机械超速、无ETS(汽轮机紧急跳闸系统)在线试验、无顺序阀方式、ETS保护条件较多、采用100%容... 从热控软硬件多方面对某1 000 MW超超临界机组与典型600 MW超临界机组进行了对比分析。指出其在热控方面存在自动化要求更高、程控启停机、无机械超速、无ETS(汽轮机紧急跳闸系统)在线试验、无顺序阀方式、ETS保护条件较多、采用100%容量旁路、主蒸汽流量由喷嘴实际测量、一次调频功能由补汽阀承担等特点,同时存在没有设计程控启停机步序帮助、阀门反馈信号无冗余备用、转速目标值允许设在临界转速区内等不足。最后指出,对DEH(数字式电液控制)系统软硬件进行深入分析和消化吸收、促进DEH与DCS(分散控制系统)的一体化,应成为1 000 MW超超临界机组热控技术研究的重点之一。 展开更多
关键词 1000MW机组 超超临界机组 热控 DEH 旁路 补汽阀
水平冻结法在上海地铁隧道旁通道工程的应用 被引量:8
作者 张景钰 方江华 汪仁和 《淮南职业技术学院学报》 2005年第1期25-27,共3页
冻结法是地下工程施工的一种特殊施工技术;介绍了水平冻结法在上海地铁长阳路站至杨树浦路站区间隧道旁通道施工中的应用,并就冻结帷幕设计、冻结孔布置及制冷设计等问题进行了重点论述,指出了水平冻结加固技术在城市地下工程施工中有... 冻结法是地下工程施工的一种特殊施工技术;介绍了水平冻结法在上海地铁长阳路站至杨树浦路站区间隧道旁通道施工中的应用,并就冻结帷幕设计、冻结孔布置及制冷设计等问题进行了重点论述,指出了水平冻结加固技术在城市地下工程施工中有着广泛的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 水平冻结 旁通道 地铁隧道
半干法脱硫配套布袋除尘器的特殊要求 被引量:8
作者 林炜 许明海 《环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期121-122,41,共3页
关键词 半干法脱硫 布袋除尘器 过滤风速 滤料 灰斗 旁路
德士古气化炉气化过程剖析(Ⅲ)──停留时间分布测试 被引量:5
作者 于遵宏 付淑芳 +4 位作者 于建国 沈才大 王辅臣 龚欣 孙建辉 《大氮肥》 1994年第2期115-118,共4页
介绍7种不同规格容器、6种工况下的停留时间分布测试结果,定性地分析了影响停留时间分布的因素,诸如射流速度、高径比、筒体直径与喷嘴直径比、出口阻力等。研究表明,德士古气化炉基本上趋于全混流,约有50%左右的物料在平均停... 介绍7种不同规格容器、6种工况下的停留时间分布测试结果,定性地分析了影响停留时间分布的因素,诸如射流速度、高径比、筒体直径与喷嘴直径比、出口阻力等。研究表明,德士古气化炉基本上趋于全混流,约有50%左右的物料在平均停留时间之前离开炉膛,存在短路,停留时间不足一秒,已见物料逸出炉外。 展开更多
关键词 气化炉 停留时间分布 气化
旁路放风风量的测试计算和理论计算 被引量:5
作者 万畅达 杨飞 +1 位作者 夏俊雅 章诚 《水泥》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第8期18-22,共5页
通过对国外某厂的旁路放风系统的测试,研究了旁路放风的影响,对比了理论公式计算值和实际测试值之间的误差。结果表明,该厂每旁路放风1%的窑尾气体,单位熟料热耗增加8.597kJ/kg左右,旁路放风有效减少了硫、氯和碱的内部循环,并且验证了... 通过对国外某厂的旁路放风系统的测试,研究了旁路放风的影响,对比了理论公式计算值和实际测试值之间的误差。结果表明,该厂每旁路放风1%的窑尾气体,单位熟料热耗增加8.597kJ/kg左右,旁路放风有效减少了硫、氯和碱的内部循环,并且验证了理论公式的可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 旁路放风 理论公式 内部循环
水泥窑尾旁路放风余热发电两种技术比较☆ 被引量:2
作者 唐金泉 《水泥工程》 CAS 2014年第2期54-56,共3页
旁路放风利于窑的稳定生产和熟料质量的提高,但会带来熟料热耗和料耗增加及环境污染等众多问题,而对旁路放风进行余热发电回收热量,则可有效降低其危害。简要介绍了旁路放风余热发电的二种技术方案——单独设置旁路放风PH余热锅炉和旁... 旁路放风利于窑的稳定生产和熟料质量的提高,但会带来熟料热耗和料耗增加及环境污染等众多问题,而对旁路放风进行余热发电回收热量,则可有效降低其危害。简要介绍了旁路放风余热发电的二种技术方案——单独设置旁路放风PH余热锅炉和旁路放风与窑尾废气共用SP余热锅炉;并详细进行了这二种技术方案的分析与对比,包括共同目标与共性问题,技术不同点,配置后的操作调整,以及适用范围和经济性。 展开更多
关键词 旁路放风 余热发电 旁路PH余热锅炉 窑尾S P余热锅炉 技术分析
海管旁路式内腐蚀监测系统设计与应用 被引量:4
作者 廖伍彬 秦立峰 +2 位作者 李飞 石卫国 仇朝军 《中国海上油气》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第4期275-278,共4页
为了实时监测海底管道内腐蚀情况,设计了海管旁路式内腐蚀监测系统,并在南海A海管得到了应用。在海管入口及出口处安装旁路式内腐蚀监测系统,可以获得海管在油、气、水三相混输状态下的内腐蚀、结垢信息,该监测系统维护、管理简单,成本... 为了实时监测海底管道内腐蚀情况,设计了海管旁路式内腐蚀监测系统,并在南海A海管得到了应用。在海管入口及出口处安装旁路式内腐蚀监测系统,可以获得海管在油、气、水三相混输状态下的内腐蚀、结垢信息,该监测系统维护、管理简单,成本低,并且所有作业不影响油田正常生产,具有推广应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 海管 旁路式 内腐蚀监测系统 设计
高氯原料在预分解窑系统中的实践与应用 被引量:4
作者 张卫东 《水泥工程》 CAS 2003年第5期37-38,共2页
若原燃料中氯含量过高,会影响新型干法生产线窑系统的正常运行,引起窑尾系统的结皮和堵塞。消除氯不利影响的常规措施是采用“旁路放风”,但这既要增加投资,又要增加熟料的热耗和电耗。新绛威顿水泥有限责任公司1000t/d生产线所用原燃... 若原燃料中氯含量过高,会影响新型干法生产线窑系统的正常运行,引起窑尾系统的结皮和堵塞。消除氯不利影响的常规措施是采用“旁路放风”,但这既要增加投资,又要增加熟料的热耗和电耗。新绛威顿水泥有限责任公司1000t/d生产线所用原燃料中氯含量大大超标,通过采取优化操作、调整配料和加强生产管理等手段,基本消除了氯对窑系统的不利影响,实现了系统连续、稳定、正常的生产运行。 展开更多
关键词 水泥 预分解窑系统 干法窑 配料 高氯原料 旁路放风
进气系统零部件振动隔离设计 被引量:4
作者 冯桂军 韦丽 《机械设计与研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期24-26,30,共4页
说明动力总成附属系统(旁路)振动隔离的重要性,研究了进气系统零部件振动隔离有关工程方法,即合理的管路布置和波纹管结构设计;利用有限元结构分析和计算流场分析等工具软件,分别针对以上两种工程方法中不同的空间走向方案和不同的波纹... 说明动力总成附属系统(旁路)振动隔离的重要性,研究了进气系统零部件振动隔离有关工程方法,即合理的管路布置和波纹管结构设计;利用有限元结构分析和计算流场分析等工具软件,分别针对以上两种工程方法中不同的空间走向方案和不同的波纹管位置布置进行振动隔离比较和压力损失分析,找出各方案的优缺点,为旁路系统的具体零部件振动隔离设计做参考。其研究结果为旁路系统零部件的振动隔离设计提出参考方案和相应设计分析方法,对整车振动性能改善寻求全面的解决有参考意义。 展开更多
关键词 动力总成 进气系统 旁路 振动隔离 NVH
Performance of Dairy Cows Supplemented with By-Pass Fat under Heat Stress Conditions
作者 Pablo Matías Roskopf María Paz Tieri +3 位作者 Alejandra Cuatrin María Esperanza Ceron Cucchi José Ignacio Gere Eloy Eduardo Salado 《Open Journal of Animal Sciences》 CAS 2023年第1期82-97,共16页
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of supplementation with a protected fat source on the productive response, metabolic environment and physiological indicators in Holstein cows under heat stress ... The objective of this study was to determine the effect of supplementation with a protected fat source on the productive response, metabolic environment and physiological indicators in Holstein cows under heat stress conditions during a 12-week experimental period. Thirty Holstein cows were distributed in 15 blocks by parity (2.0 ± 1.1), days in milk (182 ± 80) and milk production (29.4 ± 5.7 kg·day<sup>-</sup><sup>1</sup>) at the beginning of the trial and randomly assigned within each block to the following treatments (diets): SPF: supplementation with protected fat or WPF: without supplementation with protected fat. All the cows were kept in a dry-lot where they were given a partial mixed ration (PMR) ad libitum while in the milking parlor they received individual supplementation depending on the treatment. The SPF diet contained 4.0 kg·day<sup>-</sup><sup>1</sup> concentrate in pellet form + 0.6 kg·day<sup>-1</sup> ground corn grain + 0.7 kg·day<sup>-</sup><sup>1</sup> protected fat, while the WPF diet was similar to that offered in SPF, but the protected fat was isoenergetically replaced by ground corn grain. The fat supplement contained fats of animal and vegetable origin and microencapsulation was used for its preparation. Total dry matter and metabolic energy intakes were similar (p > 0.05) between treatments. Fat corrected milk (4% FCM) production was higher (p = 0.04), while energy corrected milk and fat productions tended (p = 0.06) to be higher in cows from the SPF group, without effects (p > 0.05) on the rest of the milk production and composition parameters. These results could be attributed to an improvement in the efficiency of the use of the energy consumed. Protected fat supplementation neither modified the metabolic profile, nor reduced the respiratory rate and body temperature of heat-stressed cows. Future research is needed to explain this latter result. 展开更多
关键词 Dairy Cattle by-pass Fat Heat Stress
地铁区间隧道旁通道施工融沉注浆技术 被引量:3
作者 秦军 《中国市政工程》 2009年第5期58-59,共2页
上海地铁区间隧道旁通道采用冻结法施工,施工后需进行强制解冻。为控制土体后期变形,防止变形过大而影响周边环境,采用了融沉注浆技术来解决沉降控制难度大、工期长、要求高等问题。对融沉注浆施工中注浆孔布置、充填注浆、自然解冻融... 上海地铁区间隧道旁通道采用冻结法施工,施工后需进行强制解冻。为控制土体后期变形,防止变形过大而影响周边环境,采用了融沉注浆技术来解决沉降控制难度大、工期长、要求高等问题。对融沉注浆施工中注浆孔布置、充填注浆、自然解冻融沉注浆、强制解冻融沉注浆等技术作了较详细的叙述。 展开更多
关键词 地铁隧道 旁通道 冻结 强制解冻 融沉注浆
浦东国际机场空调系统诊断与改善 被引量:1
作者 杨伟 于凌燕 刘传聚 《建筑热能通风空调》 2007年第1期51-54,共4页
关键词 水力平衡 换热器 旁通 调试
射流清管器清管过程中水合物生成及预防研究 被引量:3
作者 王立满 王玉柱 张海龙 《清洗世界》 CAS 2015年第1期14-20,共7页
射流清管器有利于降低自身速度,控制下游气液流型,减小终端分离器体积,但易于形成水合物,因此,需要对天然气管线在射流清管过程中水合物生成情况进行研究。针对某一陆上埋地天然气管线,分别建立管线模型、射流清管模型及节流模型,利用O... 射流清管器有利于降低自身速度,控制下游气液流型,减小终端分离器体积,但易于形成水合物,因此,需要对天然气管线在射流清管过程中水合物生成情况进行研究。针对某一陆上埋地天然气管线,分别建立管线模型、射流清管模型及节流模型,利用OLGA软件进行水合物的生成模拟,并以MEG作为水合物抑制剂,计算出三种模型中抑制水合物生成所需的最低MEG含量。结果表明,管线压力较高,温度变化较大,在正常运行状态下很容易产生水合物,抑制水合物生成所需的MEG含量达到0.58,而在射流清管过程中,所需的MEG含量增加到0.59;在阀门开度为10%的节流模型中,筛选出四处最易形成水合物的管线位置,计算得出清管器在发生卡堵情况下所需的MEG含量为0.60。 展开更多
关键词 射流 清管器 节流 水合物 模拟
10000t/d CDC预热预分解系统的工艺开发 被引量:3
作者 蔡顺华 金志胜 《新世纪水泥导报》 CAS 2007年第z1期15-18,共3页
UCC10 000 t/d熟料水泥生产线的CDC分解炉为喷旋结合型,为弱旋流和强对流复合型流场。CDC分解炉三次风从切向方式进入,在分解炉内产生弱旋流效应,有利于燃料同新鲜空气的充分接触;而由上升烟道处的高温窑气进入分解炉后会产生较为强烈... UCC10 000 t/d熟料水泥生产线的CDC分解炉为喷旋结合型,为弱旋流和强对流复合型流场。CDC分解炉三次风从切向方式进入,在分解炉内产生弱旋流效应,有利于燃料同新鲜空气的充分接触;而由上升烟道处的高温窑气进入分解炉后会产生较为强烈的喷腾效应,利于风、料、煤的充分混合以及热量的充分交换;在CDC分解炉的中部设置的缩口会产生二次喷腾效应,保证了料、气的充分接触,避免了燃料的集中燃烧而产生局部高温,保证了温度场的均匀性。UCC项目分解炉的设计考虑了重油燃烧的特点而对其作了特别的改进。该CDC分解炉对NO_x排放的控制措施是:还原热力型NO_x及燃料NO_x,控制高温时合成的NO_x。UCC项目采用CNC型大涡壳进口预热器,具有高效分离和低阻力的优点。UCC项目还采用了旁路放风技术。 展开更多
关键词 CDC分解炉 CNC预热器 旁路放风
Physiologic Type Reconstruction in Complicated Corrosive Strictures of Upper Gastrointestinal Segment
作者 L. Kotsis Z. Krisár P. Vadász 《Surgical Science》 2015年第4期179-185,共7页
Objectives: The main steps for physiologic type reconstruction in 50 complicated corrosive strictures of upper alimentary tract are presented. Methods: In successive developed gastric outlet and esophageal strictures ... Objectives: The main steps for physiologic type reconstruction in 50 complicated corrosive strictures of upper alimentary tract are presented. Methods: In successive developed gastric outlet and esophageal strictures a limited Billroth I resection (in 9) or conversion a prior precolic GEA in such anastomosis (in 5) and middle or total gastrectomies (in 3) were performed. A second stage substernal by-pass with isoperistaltic transverse colon segment was done 6 - 12 weeks later. In all but one instances the graft was implanted high in the gastric stump. In extensive burned and retracted such lesion (in 3) a similar by-pass was carried out but the lower anastomosis was done with the not involved prepyloric segement. In concomittant antropyloric and esophageal strictures in 11 young, good risk patients, a limited Billroth I resction and simultaneous colonic bypass was used. In case of accompanied respiratory fistula (in 4) exclusion by-pass was useful for both lesions. The associated pyloric stricture (in 3) was solved at the same time. Side-to-end pharyngocolostomy was used in 4 high thoracocervical strictures. In 8 previously perforated strictures the by-ass was performed 2 months later. Reults: The overall mortality was 4%. The postoperative morbidity was low (8%). All cervical leaks closed spontaneously. Particular late complications required revisional surgery in 12, 5% of cases. Conclusion: In complicated corrosive strictures (esophageal, gastric, fistulas) limited Billoth I resection, isoperistaltic colon by-pass with high gastrocolic anastomosis, good gastric drainage and maintenance of the duodenum in gastrointestinal continuity are the main factors to achieve the best functional results. 展开更多
关键词 COMPLICATED Corrosive STRICTURES GASTRIC Esophageal FISTULAS Limited Billroth I Resection Isoperistaltic Colonic by-pass Anastomosis with the GASTRIC stump
Effect of Carotid Artery Stenting and Extracranial-Intracranial By-Pass on Cognitive Function: Preliminary Results
作者 Li Liu Yuying Zhou 《International Journal of Clinical Medicine》 2015年第6期377-383,共7页
Background: To compare the neuropsychological consequences after carotid artery stenting (CAS) and extracranial-intracranial by-pass (EC-IC by-pass). Methods: A total of 43 patients referred to CAS, 32 patients referr... Background: To compare the neuropsychological consequences after carotid artery stenting (CAS) and extracranial-intracranial by-pass (EC-IC by-pass). Methods: A total of 43 patients referred to CAS, 32 patients referred to EC-IC by-pass and 43 control subjects were enrolled in the study. Neuropsychologic testing was performed before and three months after procedure. A paired Student t test was used to compare neuropsychologic test scores at baseline and three months after procedure in each group. Cognitive changes in a three-month follow-up were not normally distributed and compared among/between groups with Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: Three months after the treatment both the CAS and EC-IC by-pass groups showed improved cognitive performance compared to baseline, whereas the same improvement wasn’t seen in the control group. The scores from Activities of Daily Living also improved in all three groups in a three-month follow-up, and EC-IC group presented a more distinct increase in daily life abilities comparing to the other two groups. Conclusions: CAS and EC-IC by-pass in patients with a carotid or intracranial stenosis may result in cognitive improvement three months after surgery. 展开更多
关键词 CAROTID Artery STENTING Extracranial-Intracranial by-pass COGNITION
Impact of Revascularization on the Distal to Proximal Pressure Ratio in Case of Multiple Coronary Stenoses
作者 Amédéo Anselmi Hervé Corbineau +1 位作者 Jean-Philippe Verhoye Agnès Drochon 《Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering》 2021年第3期142-175,共34页
<em>Objective</em>: In order to take a decision about the revascularization approach to be adopted, it is of fundamental importance to determine whether coronary artery stenoses induce ischemia or not. An ... <em>Objective</em>: In order to take a decision about the revascularization approach to be adopted, it is of fundamental importance to determine whether coronary artery stenoses induce ischemia or not. An index, named (Fractional Flow Reserve), based on pressure measurements has been proposed to this aim and is usually interpreted in terms of flows. The objective of this work is to compute simultaneously pressures and flow rates in the coronary network of patients with three-vessel disease, in order to study more precisely the relationship between these two quantities. <em>Approach</em>: 22 patients have been included in the study. Some pressure and flow rate measurements were collected during by-pass surgery. These clinical data allow determining parameters for a patient’s specific model, based on the electric/hydraulic analogy. Collateral pathways are included in the model, as well as the severity of the disease and the impact of revascularization. <em>Main Results</em>: For patients with stenoses on LAD, LCx, LMCA and occlusion of the RCA, the flow rate delivered to the right territory is of course a function of the aortic pressure, the left stenoses severity, and the pressure distal to the thrombosis. But it mainly depends on the capillary and collateral resistances, and on the proportion between them. Abnormal microvascular hemodynamics, may be present in patients with non-hemodynamic significant lesions as assessed by the pressure ratio. Complete revascularization with the 3 grafts is demonstrated to be fully justified. The direction of collateral flows may be reversed, depending on the pressure gradient. In any case, they remain low and become negligible when the 3 grafts are operating. <em>Significance</em>: Surgical decision based only on pressure measurements may miss some real hemodynamic problems due to the considered stenosis. This risk is even greater in case of serial stenoses. 展开更多
关键词 Coronary Three-Vessel Disease Hydrodynamic Impact of Stenoses by-pass Grafting Fractional Flow Reserve Collateral Flow Analog Electric Model Flow and Pressure Simulations
试论火电机组旁路系统的控制与运行 被引量:2
作者 张园萍 《电力学报》 1997年第4期20-23,27,共5页
关键词 旁路系统 火力发电厂 发电机组
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