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基于社会生态学模型分析HIV感染女性生育意愿和相关行为影响因素 被引量:2
作者 王晓雯 郭光萍 +10 位作者 周伶 郑佳瑞 梁秀敏 李绍芹 罗红专 杨育燕 杨丽媛 谭婷 余军 罗红兵 陆林 《中国艾滋病性病》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期1036-1039,共4页
目的通过构建社会生态学模型,基于生育意愿,分析艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染女性健康相关行为的影响因素,为制定改善HIV感染女性健康相关行为的策略提供依据。方法共对101例HIV感染女性进行深入访谈。访谈提纲的建立基于社会生态学模型,由研究... 目的通过构建社会生态学模型,基于生育意愿,分析艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染女性健康相关行为的影响因素,为制定改善HIV感染女性健康相关行为的策略提供依据。方法共对101例HIV感染女性进行深入访谈。访谈提纲的建立基于社会生态学模型,由研究小组讨论形成。访谈内容包括与怀孕意愿相关的一系列问题。按照扎根原理的持续比较分析法提取主题信息。根据社会生态学模型的分析要求,对收集的信息进行反复阅读,找出存在于信息中的普遍或共有的主题和副主题。结果通过构建社会生态学模型,深入分析影响HIV感染女性产生生育意愿的因素,影响生育意愿产生的因素按层次划分包括以下主题:自我动机/自我效能、同伴/家庭支持、避免社区中存在的污名化、预防HIV母婴传播服务的可及性和公共政策。结论 HIV感染女性产生生育意愿是来源于多层面因素的综合作用。在实施HIV防控措施的同时,还应尊重HIV感染女性的生育意愿,提供相关性健康和生殖健康教育咨询服务,帮助HIV感染女性增强信心。 展开更多
关键词 健康相关行为 生育意愿 艾滋病病毒感染女性 社会生态学模型 预防艾滋病病毒母婴传播服务
作者 周月姣 刘伟 +2 位作者 谭广杰 崔岩 韦锦平 《职业与健康》 CAS 2012年第16期2033-2035,共3页
目的分析艾滋病病毒(HIV)阳性妇女和儿童及家庭社区关怀与支持服务模式,为进一步落实国家"四免一关怀"政策提供经验。方法组建HIV阳性妇女自救互助小组,经过培训的同伴教育员或骨干依托小组,对HIV阳性妇女及其家庭进行需求评... 目的分析艾滋病病毒(HIV)阳性妇女和儿童及家庭社区关怀与支持服务模式,为进一步落实国家"四免一关怀"政策提供经验。方法组建HIV阳性妇女自救互助小组,经过培训的同伴教育员或骨干依托小组,对HIV阳性妇女及其家庭进行需求评估,根据需求评估结果,为HIV阳性妇女提供健康及心理咨询、随访、生产自救等在内的全方位综合性关怀与支持服务。在关怀与支持活动开始前和结束时分别对101、172名HIV阳性妇女进行了基线与评估调查。结果有70.0%接受调查的HIV阳性妇女参加了自救互助小组,4.2%的HIV阳性妇女成为小组活动的组织者和骨干;HIV阳性妇女接受心理支持的比例从基线的36.6%上升至79.7%,其中有63.9%的HIV阳性妇女接受过阳性同伴的随访,86.6%的HIV阳性妇女认为咨询、随访等心理支持活动有较好的效果,能够帮助她们减轻心理压力。探索了依托自救互助小组为HIV阳性妇女提供"咨询—随访—生产自救—技能培训—健康护理知识宣传"等活动的社区关怀与支持模式。结论依托自救互助小组开展社区关怀与支持活动,HIV阳性妇女及其家庭的各方面情况有了较大的变化,信心、情绪和对生活的态度有了较大的改善,此模式值得借鉴,但需要加强对同伴教育员的培训,提高关怀与支持覆盖面,消除社区歧视。 展开更多
关键词 hiv阳性妇女 社区关怀与支持 模式
河南省2006—2011年HIV阳性育龄妇女流行病学特征分析 被引量:3
作者 李洁 马彦民 +3 位作者 杨文杰 孙定勇 朱谦 王哲 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期1118-1121,共4页
目的了解河南省2006—2011年艾滋病病毒(HIV)阳性育龄妇女流行病学特征及变化趋势。方法通过"河南省艾滋病感染家庭随访管理分析系统"和"河南省艾滋病防治数据综合分析系统"收集河南省2006—2011年HIV阳性育龄妇女... 目的了解河南省2006—2011年艾滋病病毒(HIV)阳性育龄妇女流行病学特征及变化趋势。方法通过"河南省艾滋病感染家庭随访管理分析系统"和"河南省艾滋病防治数据综合分析系统"收集河南省2006—2011年HIV阳性育龄妇女相关资料,对HIV阳性育龄妇女的流行病学特征及6年来的变化进行分析。结果 2006—2011年河南省HIV阳性育龄妇女例数略有上升,18~20岁和41~50岁构成比增大;阳性育龄妇女怀孕及分娩情况基本稳定,CD4+T淋巴细胞(以下简称CD4)计数均值由322 cell/μL上升到399 cell/μL,CD4计数水平>350 cell/μL者构成比从37.11%增加到52.30%,病毒载量(VL)检测结果≤500 copy/mL者构成比从30.86%增加到63.00%;CD4计数≤200 cell/μL者构成比从30.36%减少到18.62%,VL检测结果 >105copy/mL者构成比从50.62%降低到6.56%;性生活频次≥4次/月的阳性育龄妇女构成比逐年增大,而性生活中每次均使用安全套的构成比有降低的趋势。结论河南省HIV阳性育龄妇女逐年增加,年龄趋于年轻化,无保护性行为比例趋于增高,是河南省预防艾滋病母婴传播和配偶间传播的重点。 展开更多
关键词 艾滋病 艾滋病病毒(hiv)阳性育龄妇女 流行病学特征
2009-2018年深圳市HIV阳性孕产妇特点及母婴阻断效果分析 被引量:11
作者 田一梅 梁梅馨 +5 位作者 宋俊敏 杨峥嵘 周洁 王红 包明稳 王辉 《中国艾滋病性病》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期264-267,共4页
目的了解近10年深圳市艾滋病病毒(HIV)阳性孕产妇的基本情况,观察临床母婴阻断效果。方法回顾性分析2009-2018年有分娩活产婴儿的HIV阳性孕产妇临床资料,总结HIV阳性孕产妇临床基础资料、母婴阻断等情况,观察10年来深圳市HIV阳性孕产妇... 目的了解近10年深圳市艾滋病病毒(HIV)阳性孕产妇的基本情况,观察临床母婴阻断效果。方法回顾性分析2009-2018年有分娩活产婴儿的HIV阳性孕产妇临床资料,总结HIV阳性孕产妇临床基础资料、母婴阻断等情况,观察10年来深圳市HIV阳性孕产妇妊娠及婴幼儿(0~24月龄)结局。结果 2009-2018年深圳市共上报288例HIV阳性孕产妇,平均年龄为(26.40±2.66)岁,发现HIV阳性时间为(15.36±10.12)孕周,95.49%(275/288)为性接触传播,以龙岗区和宝安区居多,地域差异较为明显。HIV阳性孕产妇产前抗病毒治疗(ART)率近10年来呈整体上升趋势。婴儿预防性抗病毒药物以齐多夫定、奈韦拉平以及二者联合为主,婴儿预防性抗病毒用药率也居于较高水平。10年来深圳市HIV阳性孕产妇产后共发现2例婴儿早期诊断阳性,抗病毒干预失败,并因机会性感染死亡。HIV阳性孕产妇母婴阻断成功率为99.31%(286/288),传播率仅为0.69%(2/288)。结论深圳市预防艾滋病母婴传播干预策略取得显著效果,母婴传播率远低于世界卫生组织制定的<2%的目标。 展开更多
关键词 艾滋病病毒 阳性孕产妇 母婴阻断
钦州市孕产妇艾滋病感染状况及母婴阻断的效果分析 被引量:10
作者 兰枝 浦宾 +3 位作者 苏艳梅 王卫军 刘春秀 刘燕 《中国性科学》 2014年第7期58-60,共3页
目的:为了解广西钦州地区孕产妇感染艾滋病的现状及母婴阻断的效果,为制定本地区的艾滋病母婴阻断干预措施提供科学依据。方法:对2010年1月至2013年10月到钦州地区各家医疗机构进行产前检查或分娩的286663例孕产妇,用金标法(快速检测法... 目的:为了解广西钦州地区孕产妇感染艾滋病的现状及母婴阻断的效果,为制定本地区的艾滋病母婴阻断干预措施提供科学依据。方法:对2010年1月至2013年10月到钦州地区各家医疗机构进行产前检查或分娩的286663例孕产妇,用金标法(快速检测法)和酶联法(ELISA)检测孕产妇血浆的HIV抗体,筛查阳性者送疾控中心进行确认试验。结果:检测的孕产妇286663例中阳性314例,孕产妇艾滋病感染率为10.95/万,高于广西人群感染率;婴儿达到18个月有237例,其中抗体阴性233例,抗体阳性4例,干预后母婴传播率为1.69%。结论:钦州地区孕产妇艾滋病感染流行形势十分严峻,应通过电视、广播、报纸等途径加大宣传力度,提高HIV抗体检测率,规范地进行艾滋病母婴阻断,使儿童感染降低到零。 展开更多
关键词 hiv阳性孕产妇 感染状况 干预效果
HIV阳性育龄妇女的抗病毒治疗及HIV母婴阻断 被引量:7
作者 王敏 《中华临床医师杂志(电子版)》 CAS 2013年第23期276-278,共3页
随着艾滋病在全球范围的迅速蔓延,妇女儿童中HIV的感染流行情况以及如何控制其进一步传播扩散也受到越来越多的关注。目前,全球存活的HIV感染者中约有50%为育龄妇女,而15岁以下儿童感染HIV的90%经母婴垂直传播。鉴于HIV阳性育龄妇女的... 随着艾滋病在全球范围的迅速蔓延,妇女儿童中HIV的感染流行情况以及如何控制其进一步传播扩散也受到越来越多的关注。目前,全球存活的HIV感染者中约有50%为育龄妇女,而15岁以下儿童感染HIV的90%经母婴垂直传播。鉴于HIV阳性育龄妇女的抗病毒治疗对于阻断HIV的母婴传播以及控制HIV感染进一步扩散蔓延具有极其重要的作用,本文将从育龄妇女HIV感染及母婴传播情况、HIV阳性育龄妇女的抗病毒治疗以及HIV母婴阻断等方面进行综述。 展开更多
关键词 hiv阳性育龄妇女 抗病毒治疗 母婴阻断
194例HIV阳性孕妇HBV HCV及梅毒合并感染状况分析 被引量:7
作者 于兰 桂秀枝 +4 位作者 蒙秀宁 班子淇 鲁鸿艳 李文英 张福杰 《中国艾滋病性病》 CAS 2011年第3期308-310,共3页
目的了解广西艾滋病病毒(HIV)阳性孕妇合并感染乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)、丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)、梅毒状况,为医疗部门及相关部门采取有效的措施,实施母婴阻断、提高人口素质提供科学的依据。方法对广西贺州、柳州、南宁和横县发现的194名HIV阳... 目的了解广西艾滋病病毒(HIV)阳性孕妇合并感染乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)、丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)、梅毒状况,为医疗部门及相关部门采取有效的措施,实施母婴阻断、提高人口素质提供科学的依据。方法对广西贺州、柳州、南宁和横县发现的194名HIV阳性孕妇的HBV、HCV及梅毒合并感染状况进行检测分析。结果在调查的194名HIV阳性孕妇中,HIV/HCV、HIV/HBV和HIV/梅毒合并感染率分别为14.14%、9.42%和5.24%。2.62%和1.05%的妇女分别有HIV/HBV/HCV和HIV/HCV/梅毒混合感染,吸毒是HIV/HCV合并感染的危险因素,HIV/HBV合并感染存在地区差异。结论研究地区HIV阳性孕妇的HBV、HCV及梅毒感染率显著高于普通孕妇,应早期发现并采取有效的干预措施以预防母婴垂直传播。 展开更多
关键词 艾滋病 艾滋病病毒阳性孕产妇 乙型肝炎病毒 丙型肝炎病毒 梅毒 合并感染
心理支持小组在79例HIV-1阳性孕产妇中的应用 被引量:5
作者 陈庆玲 樊移山 +4 位作者 周曾全 李侠 劳云飞 李惠琴 张云桂 《中国艾滋病性病》 CAS 2009年第1期27-28,32,共3页
目的了解艾滋病病毒(HIV)阳性孕产妇面临的压力,探索临床治疗基础上进行集体心理支持干预的效果。方法对79例HIV-1确诊阳性的孕产妇进行定性调查,在经集体心理支持小组干预前后,采用抑郁、焦虑自评量表(SDS、SAS)评分,进行对比研究。结... 目的了解艾滋病病毒(HIV)阳性孕产妇面临的压力,探索临床治疗基础上进行集体心理支持干预的效果。方法对79例HIV-1确诊阳性的孕产妇进行定性调查,在经集体心理支持小组干预前后,采用抑郁、焦虑自评量表(SDS、SAS)评分,进行对比研究。结果定性评价结果表明,HIV-1阳性孕产妇承受很大心理压力:惧怕艾滋病,担心孩子健康,被岐视等。实施小组心理支持后,SDS、SAS平均分值下降,表明对缓解心理压力、减轻抑郁和焦虑情绪有效。结论积极的临床治疗与小组心理支持综合干预,对提高HIV-1阳性孕产妇生活质量有效。 展开更多
关键词 hiv-1阳性孕产妇 定性调查 临床关怀 小组心理支持
Consistent Condom Use among HIV Positive Women Attending Comprehensive Care Centre of Thika Level 5 Hospital, Kenya
作者 Anne G. Macharia Yeri Kombe Peter Mwaniki 《World Journal of AIDS》 2015年第3期141-150,共10页
Background: Condoms offer protection against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission when used correctly and consistently. Many HIV infected people do not use condom regularly, thus leading to new HIV infectio... Background: Condoms offer protection against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission when used correctly and consistently. Many HIV infected people do not use condom regularly, thus leading to new HIV infections and reinfections. In Kenya, condom use is considered to be low and HIV prevalence is high among women aged 15 - 49 years where utilization of condoms among HIV positive women has not been studied. Objectives: The study aimed at determining the prevalence of consistent condom use among HIV positive women aged 18 - 49 years and to investigate the variables associated with it. Methods: A mixed method of study design (qualitative and quantitative approaches) was employed. A total of 422 participants were selected randomly and interviewed using a pretested structured questionnaire. Three (3) focus group discussions with 8 participants in each group were conducted. Chi-square test (p < 0.05) and odds ratio with corresponding 95% confidence interval were computed to establish the association between consistent condom use and independent variables. Binary logistic regression model was used to identify variables independently associated with consistent condom use. Qualitative data were transcribed and coded and then analysed thematically. Results: Consistent condom use among sexually active HIV positive women was found to be 57.4% (95%CI: 52.7% - 62.1%). The stepwise logistic regression revealed that attending tertiary education [aOR = 2.54;95%CI = 1.30 - 4.95;P = 0.006], disclosing HIV status [aOR = 2.27;95%CI = 1.27 - 4.06;P = 0.005], having an HIV negative partner [aOR = 4.23;95%CI = 1.99 - 8.98;P < 0.001], not taking alcohol [aOR = 1.72;95%CI = 1.10 - 2.69;P = 0.017], never encountered resistance to use condom by partners [aOR = 1.87;95%CI = 1.15 - 3.03;P = 0.011] and perceived risk of contracting STIs [aOR = 2.11;95%CI = 1.12 - 3.97;P = 0.021] as factors independently associated with consistent condom use. Conclusion: This study shows that there is still low prevalence of consistent condom use among H 展开更多
关键词 CONSISTENT CONDOM Use hiv positive women hiv Status
Beliefs and practices of young women on utilization of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV services in Malawi
作者 Sadandaula Rose Muheriwa Angela Chimwaza +2 位作者 Alfred O. Maluwa Betty Mkwinda Nyasulu Mercy Pindani 《Health》 2013年第7期1172-1179,共8页
This study explored beliefs and actual practices of young women on utilization of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV services in Balaka district of Southern Malawi. The study design wascross sec... This study explored beliefs and actual practices of young women on utilization of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV services in Balaka district of Southern Malawi. The study design wascross sectional which utilized qualitative data collection and analysis methods. In-depth interviews were conducted on 12 young mothers of 15 to 24 years old. The respondents were drawn from 6 health centres in the district during their visits to either the under-five clinic, HIV and AIDS support groups or HIV follow up clinics. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis approach. Overall the respondents had positive beliefs on utilization of PMTCT services. They believed that adherence to PMTCT guidelines such as condom use, taking of Nevirapine (NVP) and exclusive breastfeeding protected the baby from contracting the virus. Nevertheless, all respondents believed that HIV testing was mandatory and that early weaning caused malnutrition and death of babies. Actual practice was very low. Very few young mothers breastfed exclusively, weaned their babies abruptly and took NVP as recommended. Not all positive beliefs translated into positive behavior. Lack of male support, inability of the midwives to provide comprehensive care to HIV infected mothers and their infants, and fear of stigma and discrimination were other factors that hindered utilization of PMTCT services. Culture was also a major barrier because traditionally babies are expected to be breastfed and supplements are fed to babies too. Therefore, there is a need to mobilize communities on PMTCT of HIV. Education programmes in HIV should emphasize behavior change interventions and should focus on both men and women and significant others. There is also need to intensify monitoring and evaluation of health workers’ activities to ensure that beliefs translate into positive behavior. 展开更多
关键词 PREVENTION of Mother to Child Transmission of hiv hiv positive Young women BELIEFS on PMTCT SERVICES PMTCT Practice EXCLUSIVE Breast Feeding
Contraceptive Prevalence and Pattern among HIV Positive Women in Port Harcourt, South-South Nigeria
作者 Cosmos E.ENYINDAH Bright O.ENAOHWO 《Journal of Reproduction and Contraception》 CAS 2012年第3期186-192,共7页
Objective To evaluate the prevalence rate and pattern of contraceptive use among HIV positive women in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Methods Anonymous self administered questionnaires were applied to HIV positive women rece... Objective To evaluate the prevalence rate and pattern of contraceptive use among HIV positive women in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Methods Anonymous self administered questionnaires were applied to HIV positive women receiving care at HIV clinic of the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital between September and November 2010. Results A total of 228 questionnaires were retrieved out of 250 distributed. The grouping age 29-34 years accounted for 47.8% of the respondents, 51.3% had secondary education, 55.5% were married while 43.4% were nulliparous. The mode of acquiring HIV was unknown in 60.1% and 34.2% of their partners were HIV positive. Majority (64.0%) of the patients did not use any form of contraception before diagnosis while 42.1% used male condoms after diagnosis. Contraceptive methods used were female condom (0.4%), oral contraceptive pills (16.2%), abstinence (14.5%) and rhythm method (1.8%), Only 6.1% used the dual method, which is the simultaneous use of two methods and one of which must be a condom. Contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) was 81.1%. Conclusion Though the overall use of contraception in HIV positive women in Port Harcourt is high, the dual method use which protects against pregnancy and transmission of HIV is low. Dual method is the recommended method for HIV positive women who do not intend to get pregnant. Therefore the use of dual method should be advocated. 展开更多
关键词 CONTRACEPTIVE hiv positive women Port Harcourt Nigeria
Patient-Reported Factors Facilitating Participation in Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV Programs in Kara, Togo, West Africa
作者 Eméfah C. Loccoh Deladem Azouma +3 位作者 Kevin Fiori Jr. Jennifer Schechter Sesso Gbeleou Lisa R. Hirschhorn 《World Journal of AIDS》 2014年第4期446-457,共12页
Background: Despite efforts to expand prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV in resource-limited settings, only 53% of women in sub-Saharan Africa receive adequate PMTCT services. Understanding fact... Background: Despite efforts to expand prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV in resource-limited settings, only 53% of women in sub-Saharan Africa receive adequate PMTCT services. Understanding factors that enable successful program completion are crucial to improving adherence rates to PMTCT programs in these settings. Using a positive deviance approach, we explored patient and provider’s perspectives on factors enabling women to successfully access and adhere to PMTCT services to identify areas of program improvement and further reduce HIV transmission. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 health care workers (HCWs) at two health centers in Kara, Togo and 34 women who had successfully completed the PMTCT program at those facilities. Women were identified using purposive sampling and content theme analysis was used to analyze the data. Results: Knowledge and belief in the potential to give birth to an HIV-negative child, supported by facilitating factors on the individual and community levels, was the cornerstone to women’s PMTCT program success. Effective program education and peer-to-peer interactions fostered the participants’ knowledge and belief in PMTCT, with the resulting internal motivation driving continued participation and adherence. The welcoming environment, availability of peer support groups and financial assistance from the health facility, further facilitated success, with women using this facility-based community to seek advice and support from HCWs and peers. Financial, physical, and emotional support from relatives was also important in ensuring unhindered access. Finally, the faith-based communities’ acceptance and support for HIV-positive women further encouraged participants to adhere to the program. Conclusion: Understanding and believing in the ability to have an HIV-negative baby was the most important facilitator for PMTCT program adherence. This led to internal motivation that was continually reinforced through facility and community su 展开更多
关键词 MATERNAL Health Program ADHERENCE AIDS Mother-to-Child Transmission hiv positive women
Determinants of Fertility Desires among HIV Positive Women Living in the Western Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea
作者 Marie Lucy Aska Jiraporn Chompikul Boonyong Keiwkarnka 《World Journal of AIDS》 2011年第4期198-207,共10页
The objective of this study was to identify determinants of fertility desires in HIV positive women living in the Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea, a male-dominated, patrimonial society. A cross-sectional ... The objective of this study was to identify determinants of fertility desires in HIV positive women living in the Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea, a male-dominated, patrimonial society. A cross-sectional study was conducted to collect data in February, 2010. Two hundred and ninety one HIV-infected women participated in personal interviews using a structured questionnaire. Sixty-six percent of the respondents were in polygamous relationships. Thirty-four percent of the participants desired a child in the future. Chi-square tests revealed that variables associated with desire for a child were age, marital status, number of children, current co-habitation with a partner, duration of time with a partner, receipt of the bride price, domestic physical violence, sexual activity in the previous three months, partner’s desire for a child, and current contraceptive use. Using multiple logistic regression, a partner’s positive desire for a child was the strongest predictor, with an odds ratio of 13.04 (95% CI = 5.6 -29.91). Fertility desires were largely influenced by dominant culturally sensitive issues and the family-oriented culture. The integration of effective counseling and reproductive healthcare service into HIV clinics is recommended. Holistic, culturally-relevant and family-oriented reproductive health counseling should provide more positive outcomes for both HIV-infected women and their children. 展开更多
关键词 Fertility DESIRES hiv positive women PAPUA New GUINEA REPRODUCTIVE Health Patrimonial Society
广西桂林市2001—2020年HIV阳性育龄妇女流行病学特征 被引量:1
作者 汤杰 周玲米 +2 位作者 付小凤 蒋富生 肖嵩 《中国热带医学》 CAS 2022年第6期575-579,共5页
目的 分析2001—2020年桂林市HIV(human immunodeficiency virus)阳性育龄妇女流行病学特征,了解其特征变化情况,为艾滋病防控提供科学依据。方法 从中国疾病预防控制信息系统艾滋病综合防治信息系统中抽取2001—2020年新报告病例,收集... 目的 分析2001—2020年桂林市HIV(human immunodeficiency virus)阳性育龄妇女流行病学特征,了解其特征变化情况,为艾滋病防控提供科学依据。方法 从中国疾病预防控制信息系统艾滋病综合防治信息系统中抽取2001—2020年新报告病例,收集相关病例人口学资料、流行病学资料、首次CD4检测等相关数据进行整理分析。结果 2001—2020年桂林市共报告HIV阳性育龄妇女1 803人,占新发现报告病例的12.8%(1 803/14 038),占女性病例的44.9%(1 803/4 019),2001—2005年,2006—2010年,2011—2015年,2016—2020年分别报告44例,572例,709例,478例,呈现前10年快速增加后10年稳中有降的特点,年龄以30~<40岁年龄组为主(33.4%),已婚有配偶的HIV阳性育龄妇女占全部育龄妇女的65.1%,职业为农民占58.5%,文化程度在初中以下者占84.1%,HIV阳性育龄妇女以异性性接触被感染占95.3%,发现途径主要来自咨询检测占45.8%,病例首次检查CD4细胞低于450个/μL占82.9%。结论 桂林市HIV阳性育龄妇女年发现病例数及所占比例近五年呈现下降趋势。其在人口学基本特征、感染途径及其他艾滋病相关特征方面均发生了较大改变,需根据新的流行特征探索新的宣传教育及其他防控策略。 展开更多
关键词 hiv阳性育龄妇女 艾滋病 异性传播
作者 熊春丽 《大理学院学报(综合版)》 CAS 2012年第3期61-63,共3页
目的:妊娠期妇女的HIV感染已成为全球艾滋病流行中最令人关注的问题,阳性母亲通过怀孕、分娩和哺乳把病毒传播给胎儿和婴儿,导致婴幼儿早亡。因此,阻断HIV母婴传播非常重要。方法:术前应用药物做好母婴阻断,术中医务人员注意自我保护,... 目的:妊娠期妇女的HIV感染已成为全球艾滋病流行中最令人关注的问题,阳性母亲通过怀孕、分娩和哺乳把病毒传播给胎儿和婴儿,导致婴幼儿早亡。因此,阻断HIV母婴传播非常重要。方法:术前应用药物做好母婴阻断,术中医务人员注意自我保护,术后采取母婴隔离。结果:采用目前国际上推荐的治疗方案,使用奈韦拉平、拉米夫定、齐多夫定可有效阻断病毒在母婴间的传播。结论:正确规范实施HIV母婴阻断措施,可有效降低HIV母婴传播。 展开更多
关键词 hiv阳性孕妇 母婴阻断 护理体会
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