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浅谈体育学的一个基本概念—身体(运动)性认知 被引量:24
作者 贾齐 《体育与科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第2期9-11,8,共4页
关键词 身体运动性认识 身体 体育学
Arc-length technique for nonlinear finite element analysis 被引量:9
作者 MEMONBashir-Ahmed 苏小卒 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 EI CSCD 2004年第5期618-628,共11页
Nonlinear solution of reinforced concrete structures, particularly complete load-deflection response, requires tracing of the equilibrium path and proper treatment of the limit and bifurcation points. In this regard, ... Nonlinear solution of reinforced concrete structures, particularly complete load-deflection response, requires tracing of the equilibrium path and proper treatment of the limit and bifurcation points. In this regard, ordinary solution techniques lead to instability near the limit points and also have problems in case of snap-through and snap-back. Thus they fail to predict the complete load-displacement response. The arc-length method serves the purpose well in principle, received wide acceptance in finite element analysis, and has been used extensively. However modifications to the basic idea are vital to meet the particular needs of the analysis. This paper reviews some of the recent developments of the method in the last two decades, with particular emphasis on nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete structures. 展开更多
关键词 Arc-length method Nonlinear analysis Finite element method Reinforced concrete Load-deflection path Document code: A CLC number: TU31 Arc-length technique for nonlinear finite element analysis* MEMON Bashir-Ahmed# SU Xiao-zu (苏小卒) (Department of Structural Engineering Tongji University Shanghai 200092 China) E-mail: bashirmemon@sohu.com xiaozub@online.sh.cn Received July 30 2003 revision accepted Sept. 11 2003 Abstract: Nonlinear solution of reinforced concrete structures particularly complete load-deflection response requires tracing of the equilibrium path and proper treatment of the limit and bifurcation points. In this regard ordinary solution techniques lead to instability near the limit points and also have problems in case of snap-through and snap-back. Thus they fail to predict the complete load-displacement response. The arc-length method serves the purpose well in principle received wide acceptance in finite element analysis and has been used extensively. However modifications to the basic idea are vital to meet the particular needs of the analysis. This paper reviews some of the recent developments of the method in the last two decades with particular emphasis on nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete structures. Key words: Arc-length method Nonlinear analysis Finite element method Reinforced concrete Load-deflection path
脑梗死后认知功能障碍与血清总同型半胱氨酸血脂水平相关性分析 被引量:8
作者 贺亚峰 何健 《中国实用神经疾病杂志》 2013年第19期18-20,共3页
目的观察脑梗死患者轻度认知功能障碍(MCI)与血清总同型半胱氨酸(tHcy)、血脂水平之间的关系。方法测定50例脑梗死合并轻度认知功能障碍患者和50例年龄相匹配的正常对照者血清总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL)、低密度脂... 目的观察脑梗死患者轻度认知功能障碍(MCI)与血清总同型半胱氨酸(tHcy)、血脂水平之间的关系。方法测定50例脑梗死合并轻度认知功能障碍患者和50例年龄相匹配的正常对照者血清总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL)、低密度脂蛋白(LDL)及血清总同型半胱氨酸(tHcy)水平。结果 MCI组患者血清中TC、TG、HDL、LDL的水平分别为(5.72±1.25)mmol/L、(1.90±0.31)mmol/L、(1.03±0.12)mmol/L、(3.97±1.02)mm/L,而正常对照者相应指标分别为(4.27±1.04)mmol/L、(1.21±0.17)mmo/L、(1.34±0.25)mmol/L、(3.03±1.00)mmol/L,其中MCI组TC、LDL、TG均明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。而HDL 2组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。MCI组血清tHcy水平明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。血浆Hcy、血脂对预测MCI具有价值(P<0.05)。Logistic多因素回归分析提示,血浆Hcy、血脂是MCI的影响因素(OR值分别为1.11、1.56、1.07、1.25、3.39)。结论脑梗死MCI患者存在明显的脂质代谢紊乱及高同型半胱氨酸血症,Hcy、TC、LDL、TG可能对MCI的发病有一定影响,而HDL与MCI发病可能无关联。 展开更多
关键词 脑梗死 认知功能障碍 血清总同型半胱氨酸 血脂
组合型人工肾对慢性肾衰患者血清瘦素、同型半胱氨酸及甲状旁腺素水平的影响 被引量:6
作者 孙亦兵 《河北北方学院学报(医学版)》 2007年第4期13-15,共3页
目的:探讨血液灌流加血液透析对慢性肾衰患者血清中瘦素(Leptin)、同型半胱氨酸(tHcy)及甲状旁腺素(iPTH)的清除作用,并与单纯血液透析清除Leptint、Hcy、iPTH的效果比较。方法:在25例慢性肾衰患者常规血液透析中增加一次血液透析加灌... 目的:探讨血液灌流加血液透析对慢性肾衰患者血清中瘦素(Leptin)、同型半胱氨酸(tHcy)及甲状旁腺素(iPTH)的清除作用,并与单纯血液透析清除Leptint、Hcy、iPTH的效果比较。方法:在25例慢性肾衰患者常规血液透析中增加一次血液透析加灌流治疗,在透析及透析加灌流前后分别检测其Leptint、Hcy、iPTH血清水平,结果表明血透加灌流治疗后较治疗前明显降低(P<0.01),且较单纯血液透析明显降低(P<0.05),而单纯血液透析前后血清Leptint、Hcyi、PTH水平没有改变(P>0.05)。结论:血液灌流可以明显降低慢性肾衰患者血清中的Leptin、tHcyi、PTH水平,从而改善透析患者的生活质量,减少营养不良、心血管疾病和肾性骨病和异位钙化并发症的发生。 展开更多
关键词 血液透析 组合型人工肾(血液灌流联合血液透析) 瘦素 同型半胱氨酸 甲状旁腺素
日常此在的沉沦与死亡的超越——海德格尔死亡观的社会批判意义 被引量:3
作者 周洁 《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2003年第1期31-35,共5页
海德格尔通过此在的日常生活沉思人的存在方式,认为沉沦是人的命运,人在沉沦中丧失了本真的自我而迷失于公众的统治之中,是一种不承担责任的存在方式。但此在能在这种迷失中唤回自我,其方式是:在畏、向死存在和在良知中回到存在的展开状... 海德格尔通过此在的日常生活沉思人的存在方式,认为沉沦是人的命运,人在沉沦中丧失了本真的自我而迷失于公众的统治之中,是一种不承担责任的存在方式。但此在能在这种迷失中唤回自我,其方式是:在畏、向死存在和在良知中回到存在的展开状态,自己对自己的存在负责任。海德格尔的沉沦与共在理论具有深刻的社会批判意义。 展开更多
关键词 海德格尔 死亡观 社会批判意义 存在论 日常生活 存在方式
Appraisal of the Production-Oriented Approach: An Introduction 被引量:4
作者 濮实 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 SCIE 2017年第4期452-453,共2页
The production-oriented approach (POA) has been developed over a decade. It is driven by the need to improve English classroom instruction for university students in China (Wen, 2016). It is also motivated by the ... The production-oriented approach (POA) has been developed over a decade. It is driven by the need to improve English classroom instruction for university students in China (Wen, 2016). It is also motivated by the aspiration to enhance the quality of foreign language education in other similar pedagogical contexts outside China. A volume of research has been done by Wen Qiufang and her research team, to formulate the theory of POA and to test its effectiveness in classroom pedagogy (e.g. Wen, 2016, 2015; Yang, 2015; Zhang, 2015). At the moment, the POA is still at an early stage of theory building and almost all empirical research is done in the Chinese context. In order to improve the quality of this theory and to make it intelligible to the international academic community, a one-day symposium was held in Beijing Foreign Studies University on May 15, 2017. The symposium was entitled 'The first international forum on innovative foreign language education in China: Appraisal of the POA'. In the forum, leading experts in applied linguistics were invited to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the POA and the directions for its future development. The symposium was the first attempt for the POA research team to discuss its latest work with international scholars. This Viewpoint section collects the responses of four experts who participated in the symposium, listed in alphabetical order. The collection of articles covers three topics related to the POA: its pedagogical application, its use for teacher training, and its research. Alister Cumming is Professor Emeritus and the former Head of the Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies, University of Toronto, Canada. His article focuses primarily on POA research as an exemplary case of design-based research. Rod Ellis is Research Professor in the School of Education at Curtin University, Australia. He discusses POA in terms of pedagogy, teacher training and research, with both critiques and constructive suggestions. Paul Kei M 展开更多
关键词 The production-oriented approach (POA) has been developed over a decade. It is driven by the need to improve English classroom instruction for university students in China (Wen 2016). It is also motivated by the aspiration to enhance the quality of foreign language education in other similar pedagogical contexts outside China. A volume of research has been done by Wen Qiufang and her research team to formulate the theory of POA and to test its effectiveness in classroom pedagogy (e.g. Wen 2016 2015 Yang 2015 Zhang 2015). At the moment the POA is still at an early stage of theory building and almost all empirical research is done in the Chinese context. In order to improve the quality of this theory and to make it intelligible to the international academic community a one-day symposium was held in Beijing Foreign Studies University on May 15 2017. The symposium was entitled 'The first international forum on innovative foreign language education in China: Appraisal of the POA'. In the forum leading experts in applied linguistics were invited to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the POA and the directions for its future development. The symposium was the first attempt for the POA research team to discuss its latest work with international scholars. This Viewpoint section collects the responses of four experts who participated in the symposium listed in alphabetical order. The collection of articles covers three topics related to the POA: its pedagogical application its use for teacher training and its research. Alister Cumming is Professor Emeritus and the former Head of the Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies University of Toronto Canada. His article focuses primarily on POA research as an exemplary case of design-based research. Rod Ellis is Research Professor in the School of Education at Curtin University Australia. He discusses POA in terms of pedagogy teacher training and research with both critiques and constructive suggestions. Paul Kei Mat
指物时“它”、“它们”与it、they的比较研究 被引量:2
作者 储泽祥 吴军 廖光蓉 《湘潭工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2002年第1期46-49,共4页
“它”、“它们”与it,they指物的差别主要体现在指代复数的事物方面 :指代事物的全体 ,汉语用“它” ,不用“它们” ,而英语可用it,也可用they ;指代多个体的事物 ,汉语注意整体时用“它” ,注意数量多少时用“它们” ,而英语一般都用t... “它”、“它们”与it,they指物的差别主要体现在指代复数的事物方面 :指代事物的全体 ,汉语用“它” ,不用“它们” ,而英语可用it,也可用they ;指代多个体的事物 ,汉语注意整体时用“它” ,注意数量多少时用“它们” ,而英语一般都用they。 展开更多
关键词 它们 指物 汉英比较
Follow-up Study of Retreatment TB Patients with Sputum Smear and/or Culture Positive Two Years after They were Declared Cured with First-line Anti-TB Drugs in Shandong Province 被引量:3
作者 LI Fang SONG Chun Yan +5 位作者 ZHAO Fei LIANG Ming Li LIU Zhi Min GUO Xiao Yan WANG Yu HE Guang Xue 《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第2期152-156,共5页
This study aimed to learn the recurrence rate in the retreatment TB patients with sputum smear and/or culture positive (ss+ and/or c+) two years after they were declared cured, and to explore causes of recurrence ... This study aimed to learn the recurrence rate in the retreatment TB patients with sputum smear and/or culture positive (ss+ and/or c+) two years after they were declared cured, and to explore causes of recurrence in order to improve long-time treatment outcome. 5 cities were selected as research locations. Recurrence of TB was judged by chest X-ray examination together with sputum smear and culture examination. 展开更多
关键词 TB Follow-up Study of Retreatment TB Patients with Sputum Smear and/or Culture Positive Two Years after they were Declared Cured with First-line Anti-TB Drugs in Shandong Province line
《存在与时间》“常人”观视域下的机器人、经济人与超人——基于海德格尔的现代性批判语境 被引量:3
作者 沈广明 左勇华 《江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期65-71,共7页
海德格尔对形而上学与现代社会的批判,对现代人命运的担忧与归宿的设定,归根到底是要回应栖居澄明之境的"人"具有怎样生活形态的问题。"常人"思想就探讨了"人"之源始共同生活的状态。以"常人"... 海德格尔对形而上学与现代社会的批判,对现代人命运的担忧与归宿的设定,归根到底是要回应栖居澄明之境的"人"具有怎样生活形态的问题。"常人"思想就探讨了"人"之源始共同生活的状态。以"常人"思想为视域,"人"的现代性诸种形态面临栖居源始性沦丧、交往亲熟性匮乏及生活日常性凋敝等诸多弊病。"常人"哲学对于破解现代性困境提供了诸多启示,包括筑造源始性栖居之所、开拓亲熟性公共领域、培育生活日常性、回归"常人"生活等。 展开更多
关键词 现代性 常人 存在 自由
双频激光碎石术在复杂性胆管结石中的应用 被引量:3
作者 赵震宇 冯寿全 +1 位作者 张胜华 张成刚 《肝胆胰外科杂志》 CAS 2007年第2期101-102,共2页
目的探讨双频激光碎石技术在治疗复杂性胆管结石中的疗效、安全性及应用价值。方法回顾2003年11月-2006年3月,对25例复杂性胆管结石患者进行的28例次双频激光碎石治疗的临床资料。其中术中应用22例次,术后经T管窦道应用6例次。结果24例... 目的探讨双频激光碎石技术在治疗复杂性胆管结石中的疗效、安全性及应用价值。方法回顾2003年11月-2006年3月,对25例复杂性胆管结石患者进行的28例次双频激光碎石治疗的临床资料。其中术中应用22例次,术后经T管窦道应用6例次。结果24例患者取净结石,除1例发生一过性胆道出血外,无其他并发症。结论双频激光碎石治疗复杂性胆管结石具有有效性高、创伤小及并发症少等特点,拥有良好的推广前景。 展开更多
关键词 胆管结石 双频激光碎石 治疗
A study of the strong pulses detected from PSR B0656+14 using the Urumqi 25-m radio telescope at 1540 MHz 被引量:2
作者 Guo-Cun Tao Ali Esamdin +3 位作者 Hui-Dong Hu Mao-Fei Qian Jing Li Na Wang 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第12期1649-1654,共6页
We report on the properties of strong pulses from PSR B0656+14 by analyzing the data obtained using the Urumqi 25-m radio telescope at 1540 MHz from August 2007 to September 2010.In 44 h of observational data,a total... We report on the properties of strong pulses from PSR B0656+14 by analyzing the data obtained using the Urumqi 25-m radio telescope at 1540 MHz from August 2007 to September 2010.In 44 h of observational data,a total of 67 pulses with signal-to-noise ratios above a 5σthreshold were detected.The peak flux densities of these pulses are 58 to 194 times that of the average profile,and their pulse energies are 3 to 68 times that of the average pulse.These pulses are clustered around phases about 5-ahead of the peak of the average profile.Compared with the width of the average profile,they are relatively narrow,with the full widths at half-maximum ranging from 0.28 ° to 1.78 °.The distribution of pulse-energies follows a lognormal distribution.These sporadic strong pulses detected from PSR B0656+14 have different characteristics from both typical giant pulses and its regular pulses. 展开更多
关键词 stars:neutron-pulsars-pulsars:individual(B0656+14)Options: Encrypt Page Allow Cookies Remove Scripts Remove Objects 收藏本站首页期刊全文库学位论文库会议论文库学术百科吾喜杂志工具书优先出版注册|登录|我的账户基础科学|工程科技I辑|工程科技II辑|医药卫生科技|信息科技|农业科技|哲学与人文科学|社会科学I辑|社会科学II辑|经济管理高级搜索: 用" stars neutron-pulsars—pulsars "到知网平台检索 点击这里搜索更多...《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 2012年12期 加入收藏 获取最新 A study of the strong pulses detected from PSR B0656+14 using the Urumqi 25-m radio telescope at 1540 MHzAli Esamdin 【摘要】: We report on the properties of strong pulses from PSR B0656+14 by analyzing the data obtained using the Urumqi 25-m radio telescope at 1540 MHz from August 2007 to September 2010.In 44 h of observational data a total of 67 pulses with signal-to-noise ratios above a 5σthreshold were detected.The peak flux densities of these pulses are 58 to 194 times that of the average profile and their pulse energies are 3 to 68 times that of the average pulse.These pulses are clustered around phases about 5-ahead of the peak of the average profile.Compared with the width of the average profile they are relatively narrow with the full widths at half-maximum ranging from 0.28 ° to 1.78 °.The distribution of pulse-energies follows a lognormal distribution.These sporadic strong pulses detected from PSR B0656+14 have different characteristics from both typical giant pulses and its regular pulses.【作者单位】 Xinjiang
Anatomical Study an the Development of Strawberry Fruit
作者 LiDongmei LiZhaoliang 《Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition)》 CAS 1999年第1期68-74,共7页
The development of strawberry fruit, two cultivars-Gelila and Xiaoshi, was systematically studied by anatomical and embryological methods. The growth dynamics of fruit showed that the two cultivars performed similar ... The development of strawberry fruit, two cultivars-Gelila and Xiaoshi, was systematically studied by anatomical and embryological methods. The growth dynamics of fruit showed that the two cultivars performed similar changes with their fresh weight volume and structure, it included the first slow growth stage, the rapid growth stage and the second solw growth stage. The fruit was a typical polyachene with a ovule which belonged to a Poligonum type, the growth process of pollen tube from stigma to embryo sac was clearly observed by flourescence microscopy. Embryo development was similar to that of most dicotyls, and the mature embryo was orthotropous; Endosperm development was a nuclear type, and gradually disappeared with development:Seed coat consisted of 34 layer cells, and pericarp was composed of 68 layer cells which differentiated from ovary wall cell; The structure of receptacle was a typical stem which consisted of epidermis ,cortex and vascular cylinder. With development, the cortex an 展开更多
关键词 STRAWBERRY development of fruit anatomyd pith of fruit contained plentiful parenchyma tissue and they were mainly edible sections.
Rotating Squeezed Vacua as Time Machines
作者 S. Al Saleh L. A. Al Asfar A. Mahroussah 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2016年第3期304-311,共8页
Squeezed quantum vacua seems to violate the averaged null energy conditions (ANEC’s), because they have a negative energy density. When treated as a perfect fluid, rapidly rotating Casimir plates will create vorticit... Squeezed quantum vacua seems to violate the averaged null energy conditions (ANEC’s), because they have a negative energy density. When treated as a perfect fluid, rapidly rotating Casimir plates will create vorticity in the vacuum bounded by them. The geometry resulting from an arbitrarily extended Casimir plates along their axis of rotation is similar to van Stockum spacetime. We observe closed timelike curves (CTC’s) forming in the exterior of the system resulting from frame dragging. The exterior geometry of this system is similar to Kerr geometry, but because of violation of ANEC, the Cauchy horizon lies outside the system unlike Kerr blackholes, giving more emphasis on whether spacetime is multiply connected at the microscopic level. 展开更多
关键词 Squeezed quantum vacua seems to violate the averaged null energy conditions (ANEC’s) because they have a negative energy density. When treated as a perfect fluid rapidly rotating Casimir plates will create vorticity in the vacuum bounded by them. The geometry resulting from an arbitrarily extended Casimir plates along their axis of rotation is similar to van Stockum spacetime. We observe closed timelike curves (CTC’s) forming in the exterior of the system resulting from frame dragging. The exterior geometry of this system is similar to Kerr geometry but because of violation of ANEC the Cauchy horizon lies outside the system unlike Kerr blackholes giving more emphasis on whether spacetime is multiply connected at the microscopic level.
A Comparative Study on Two Techniques of Reducing the Dimension of Text Feature Space
作者 Yin Zhonghang, Wang Yongcheng, Cai Wei & Diao Qian School of Electronic & Information Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, P.R.China 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2002年第1期87-92,共6页
With the development of large scale text processing, the dimension of text feature space has become larger and larger, which has added a lot of difficulties to natural language processing. How to reduce the dimension... With the development of large scale text processing, the dimension of text feature space has become larger and larger, which has added a lot of difficulties to natural language processing. How to reduce the dimension has become a practical problem in the field. Here we present two clustering methods, i.e. concept association and concept abstract, to achieve the goal. The first refers to the keyword clustering based on the co occurrence of 展开更多
关键词 in the same text and the second refers to that in the same category. Then we compare the difference between them. Our experiment results show that they are efficient to reduce the dimension of text feature space. Keywords: Text data mining
论阎连科《她们》中乡村女性的命运书写 被引量:1
作者 吴静 《西安航空学院学报》 2021年第4期16-20,31,共6页
发表于《收获》杂志2020年第2期的《她们》是一部非虚构的纪实文学作品。阎连科借用《她们》回望身边女性的一生,由此窥见时代女性群像,讲述以“她们”为代表的乡村女性的生存困境与命运桎梏。他以乡村为原点,描摹、观照并展现出中国乡... 发表于《收获》杂志2020年第2期的《她们》是一部非虚构的纪实文学作品。阎连科借用《她们》回望身边女性的一生,由此窥见时代女性群像,讲述以“她们”为代表的乡村女性的生存困境与命运桎梏。他以乡村为原点,描摹、观照并展现出中国乡村女性的生存本相,并以“第三性”为题提出对乡村女性身份意识及命运的再思考,试图为现代乡村女性寻找出路。这不仅是一部关于“她们”的回忆录,还是一曲关于乡村女性的生命悲歌。 展开更多
关键词 阎连科 《她们》 乡村女性 生存状态 命运
论海德格尔技术观视域下人的异化问题——从“常人”到“千篇一律” 被引量:1
作者 陆文斌 陈发俊 《山东科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第1期17-26,共10页
在海德格尔看来,人的异化状态可分为两种。一种是古代技术时期的“常人”,另一种是现代技术统治下人之“千篇一律”的持存。在古代技术时期,虽然技术没有直接引起人的异化,但为人的异化提供了场域。伴随技术的发展,“常人”逐渐确立起... 在海德格尔看来,人的异化状态可分为两种。一种是古代技术时期的“常人”,另一种是现代技术统治下人之“千篇一律”的持存。在古代技术时期,虽然技术没有直接引起人的异化,但为人的异化提供了场域。伴随技术的发展,“常人”逐渐确立起精确性的思维模式,边缘化了哲学性的沉思,进而被褫夺为“千篇一律”的持存物。与此同时,整个世界的意蕴也在技术的促逼中日益贫困化。此在在如此之境遇中逐渐从古之“常人”转向现代之“千篇一律”。此在要想摆脱人的异化状态,必须不断反思现代技术之本质,厘清“常人”产生的原因,进而直面其最本己的可能——死亡。突发的新冠肺炎疫情将大量的技术之限定和死亡之经验不断地摆置到此在的面前,为其洞察技术之本质、直面死亡之本己,进而脱离异化状态,提供了契机。 展开更多
关键词 海德格尔 此在 “常人” “千篇一律” 疫情时代
论海德格尔的两个核心概念:“常人”和“本真性” 被引量:1
作者 顾志龙 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2003年第4期20-22,共3页
海德格尔指出常人表明为公众意见的“平均状态”。作为常人被从他的本真的可能性的筹划中拉离出来,陷入到非本真存在的无根基状态之中。决心面对死亡之畏把此在从消散于世界的沉沦中唤回到他的最本真的能在。常人和本真性是海德格尔的... 海德格尔指出常人表明为公众意见的“平均状态”。作为常人被从他的本真的可能性的筹划中拉离出来,陷入到非本真存在的无根基状态之中。决心面对死亡之畏把此在从消散于世界的沉沦中唤回到他的最本真的能在。常人和本真性是海德格尔的两个核心概念,围绕这两个概念所作的此在分析对于当代西方社会仍具有现实的意义。 展开更多
关键词 海德格尔 常人 本真性
作者 罗璇 《河南理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第5期91-99,共9页
女性生存环境更迭、女性类型多元化与女性“性别”冲突是阎连科《她们》女性群像书写的重要组成部分。基于此,《她们》得以真实还原上世纪中后期中原乡村女性的命运轨迹。其中,女性群像展示是作品的肌理,中原传统文化对女性的精神品质... 女性生存环境更迭、女性类型多元化与女性“性别”冲突是阎连科《她们》女性群像书写的重要组成部分。基于此,《她们》得以真实还原上世纪中后期中原乡村女性的命运轨迹。其中,女性群像展示是作品的肌理,中原传统文化对女性的精神品质建构、伦理糟粕对女性的残害是作品之骨骼。阎氏“第三性”女性观的提出,对读者把握中原乡村女性精神面貌和作家叙事策略起到引导作用。 展开更多
关键词 阎连科 她们 女性书写 城乡空间 第三性
从《他们》看奥茨小说中的心理现实主义 被引量:1
作者 傅亚东 《黑河学院学报》 2017年第12期174-175,共2页
作为传统现实主义向现代主义过渡的一种重要文学形式,欧洲心理现实主义小说在实际创作过程中以传统现实主义为基础开展文学创作,奥茨受现代西方心理学家精神分析学说的影响,在实际创作过程中通常以人道主义思想为创作核心,充分吸收现代... 作为传统现实主义向现代主义过渡的一种重要文学形式,欧洲心理现实主义小说在实际创作过程中以传统现实主义为基础开展文学创作,奥茨受现代西方心理学家精神分析学说的影响,在实际创作过程中通常以人道主义思想为创作核心,充分吸收现代文化的创作理念和相关技巧,这种小说塑造方式使其成为独特的心理现实主义,并采取相对独特的心理描述方法,准确揭示人物隐藏在内心深处的真实感受。 展开更多
关键词 《他们》 奥茨小说 心理现实主义
The Effect of Using L1 (Arabic Language) in the L2 (English Language) Classroom on the Achievement in General English of Foundation Year Students in King Abdulaziz University
作者 Salameh Saleem Mahmoud 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第12期1733-1738,共6页
This study aims at investigating the effect of using L 1 (Arabic Language) while teaching a target language (English Language) on the achievement in General English of foundation year students in King Abdulaziz Un... This study aims at investigating the effect of using L 1 (Arabic Language) while teaching a target language (English Language) on the achievement in General English of foundation year students in King Abdulaziz University. To achieve the purpose of the study, the researcher used an experimental design: an experimental group and a control group. The independent variable is using L1 while teaching English in very limited and specified areas. The dependent variable is students' achievement in general English. The statistics used is the t-test. The population of the study was all students enrolled in the foundation year 1431/1432 in the ELI (English Language Institute) at King Abdulaziz University. The sample of the study consisted of 50 students taking North Star in the sections A and B as a university requirement in the foundation year 1431/1432 in King Abdulaziz University. The results of the study were in favor of banning Arabic in the English language classroom as shown in the mean scores of the control and experimental groups in the tables. It is recommended that teachers and instructors should be trained to use teaching strategies that help them use English only in the English language classroom. 展开更多
关键词 L1 (Arabic Language) L2 (English Language) ELI (English Language Institute) foundation year(the first year for students at the university where they take general courses)
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