An automatic analysis of financial figures is common way for investors to analyze financial reports. However, using solely financial statements does not represent the comprehensive financial story of a company. Recently, many people express their opinions and search for information on the Internet. The adoption of the Internet has generated another type of data for analysis, i.e. Google Index. The purpose of this research is to prove Google Index is a good indicator for investors to analyze companies’ status. In this study, random forest (RF) is used to investigate the relationship between company’s financial performance and financial ratios and Google Index. From the results of RF model, we can see Google trend also plays a major role in determining the company’s profit except the stock index and operating margin.
An automatic analysis of financial figures is common way for investors to analyze financial reports. However, using solely financial statements does not represent the comprehensive financial story of a company. Recently, many people express their opinions and search for information on the Internet. The adoption of the Internet has generated another type of data for analysis, i.e. Google Index. The purpose of this research is to prove Google Index is a good indicator for investors to analyze companies’ status. In this study, random forest (RF) is used to investigate the relationship between company’s financial performance and financial ratios and Google Index. From the results of RF model, we can see Google trend also plays a major role in determining the company’s profit except the stock index and operating margin.