Intrauterine diagnosis of small intestinal volvulus is extremely rare;a small bowel volvulus may be caused, by an atresia or malrotation, and it can also be an etiology for intestinal atresia. Early antenatal diagnosis of fetal intestinal volvulus is difficult. Care full and meticulous prenatal radiological investigations in the experience hand may suggest the diagnosis. We present a male child who presented 9 hours after birth with gangrenous proximal dilated loop volvulus in a type III B intestinal atresia diagnosed intraoperative and was treated successfully. Presence of focal abdominal wall edema in a newborn with intestinal obstruction may suggest this diagnosis.
Intrauterine diagnosis of small intestinal volvulus is extremely rare;a small bowel volvulus may be caused, by an atresia or malrotation, and it can also be an etiology for intestinal atresia. Early antenatal diagnosis of fetal intestinal volvulus is difficult. Care full and meticulous prenatal radiological investigations in the experience hand may suggest the diagnosis. We present a male child who presented 9 hours after birth with gangrenous proximal dilated loop volvulus in a type III B intestinal atresia diagnosed intraoperative and was treated successfully. Presence of focal abdominal wall edema in a newborn with intestinal obstruction may suggest this diagnosis.