课程思政建设是高校肩负为党和国家培养人才的重任,应高站位认识“课程思政”的时代价值,提升立德树人的针对性和实效性。环境生态工程作为一个多学科交叉的新兴专业,其教学体系和专业课程设计还有待探索和完善。以浙江树人学院环境生态工程专业为例,在明确教学内容体系和课程目标的基础上,积极探索教学改革措施,将教学过程专业知识点与思政元素有机融合,注重课程实践内容和形式,实现全过程有效性评价,有利于培养具有环境保护意识、跨学科交叉融合能力的创新应用型人才,构建德智体美劳全面培养的教育体系和高水平人才培养体系。本文针对课程思政在环境生态工程专业课程中的融入与实践进行了深入探讨,以环境伦理学为例,分析了课程思政的必要性、内涵建设思路以及具体实施策略。Ideological and political education construction is the responsibility of colleges and universities to train talents for the party and the country. We should take a high position to understand the times value of “curriculum ideological and political” and improve the pertinence and effectiveness of moral education. As a new interdisciplinary specialty, the teaching system and curriculum design of environmental and ecological engineering still need to be explored and perfected. Taking the environmental ethics of environmental and ecological engineering major of Zhejiang Shuren University as an example, on the basis of clear teaching content system and course objectives, the author actively explores teaching reform measures, organically integrates professional knowledge points and ideological and political elements in the teaching process, pays attention to the content and form of course practice, and realizes the effectiveness evaluation of the whole process, which is conducive to cultivating environmental protection awareness and cross-cutting innovative applied talents with interdisciplinary in
Advances in Education