在大数据技术飞速发展的今天,新业态对人才的数据理解能力和处理能力都提出了新要求。对于经济管理类专业的学生而言,作为专业重要课程的《计量经济学》对学生培养自身专业素养和数据分析能力发挥着愈发重要的作用。在如今学时偏短、大班教学普遍的教学模式下,要想让学生充分掌握计量经济学的学科知识并赋能学生进行实践应用需要教师在课堂教学中多下心思。文章以华南某财经院校的《计量经济学》课程为例进行讨论,具体探讨了引入助教制度的重要性和意义,并提出“研究生助教 + 本科生助教”的“双助教”模式,且就“双助教”模式在实践中可能会存在一些阻力和潜在的问题提出了相应的对策和建议。
In today’s rapid development of big data technology, the new industry has put forward new requirements on the data understanding and processing ability of talents. For students of economics and management, econometrics, as an important course in their major, plays an increasingly important role in developing their professionalism and data analysis ability. In today’s teaching mode of short school hours and large classes, teachers need to put more effort in classroom teaching in order to make students fully grasp the subject knowledge of econometrics and empower them to apply it in practice. This paper discusses the importance and significance of introducing the teaching assistant system, and proposes the “double teaching assistant” model of “graduate teaching assistant + undergraduate teaching assistant”. We also propose the “dual teaching assistantship” model of “graduate teaching assistantship + undergraduate teaching assistantship” and put forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions on the possible resistance and potential problems of the “dual teaching assistantship” model in practice.
Advances in Education