Diminished Ovarian Reserve is reproductive endocrine diseases which the clinical manifestations are infertility, menstrual disorders, sex hormone deficiency or fluctuation-related symptoms. In recent years, the incidence rate has increased and the trend of age is younger, and there is no definitive treatment method in modern medicine. Under the guidance of the characteristic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture for the treatment of DOR has the advantages of significant efficacy and small side effects, and is widely used in clinical practice. At present, in clinical practice, acupuncture treatment of this disease is mainly based on the dialectical selection of internal organs, followed by dialectical selection according to the menstrual cycle, and less dialectical selection of points by chong, ren and supervision meridians;Each dialectical acupoint selection treatment method has achieved good results, and there is a problem of excessive number of acupuncture points. However, acupuncture treatment of DOR is more suitable for meridian dialectics, and in the future, the efficient and small number of acupuncture points on the meridians can be accurately selected according to the “kidney main reproduction” and “Yi yuan san qi”, so that DOR patients can obtain good efficacy and reduce the pain caused by acupuncture.
Traditional Chinese Medicine