In order to provide a scientific basis for the assessment of knee joint fatigue during exercise and rehabilitation training, and to prevent secondary joint damage caused by muscle fatigue, a wearable knee joint exercise fatigue monitoring system based on surface electromyography (sEMG) signals has been developed. By collecting the sEMG signals of the subjects’ quadriceps before and after fatigue, the empirical mode decomposition method based on sample entropy is used to denoise them, and the root mean square (RMS), sample entropy (S) and EMG characteristic K-value are analyzed changes before and after muscle fatigue. The results show that in the process of entering from a non-fatigue state to a fatigue state, and the degree of fatigue continues to deepen, the RMS changes gradually;S changes gradually, with a smaller change trend;K changes gradually, which is more changing than RMS and S obvious;the three characteristic parameters can reflect the state of muscle fatigue. Among them, the electromyographic characteristic K-value is the best in characterizing the state of muscle fatigue, and the significant difference between before and after muscle fatigue is the smallest;and the algorithm has a small amount of calculation and real-time performance good features, suitable for real-time accurate assessment and early warning of knee joint fatigue during exercise.
Software Engineering and Applications