贾平凹小说的英译实践时间跨度长(1977~2018年),译著数量多(长中篇小说共计25部),译介路径多样(本土“译出”18部与英美“译入”7部),翻译主体性质差异大(译者涵盖“源语国译者”、“译语国译者”、“中外合作”译者,赞助人涵盖本土国家机构、民间机构以及英美商业和学术机构),译介选材、翻译策略与译介途径随“时”“境”变迁呈现出迥异的风貌特征,译介效果有成有败,时代性、社会性、文化性特点明显。可以说,贾平凹小说的英译实践是一部微缩的“新时期中国文学翻译四十年”,是新时期中国小说英语译介研究十分典型的个案。本文旨在对国内贾平凹小说英语译介研究论文发表及研究内容进行阐述,力图描绘出该翻译事件的大致研究图谱,分析目前研究的不足,拓展其研究的可能空间,为进一步研究带来启示。The English translation practice of Jia Pingwa’s novels spans a long time (1977~2018), with a large number of translated works (a total of 25 novellas) and diverse translation paths (18 works were “translated out” from the local country and 7 works were “translated into” the UK and the United States), the nature of the translation subjects is very different (the translators include “source language translators”, “target language translators”, and “Sino-foreign cooperation” translators, and the sponsors include local national institutions, private institutions, and British and American business and academic institutions), the selection of translation materials, translation strategies and translation methods show very different features and characteristics with the changes of “time” and “context”. The translation effect has success or failure, and the characteristics of the times, society and culture are obvious. It can be said that the English translation practice of Jia Pingwa’s novels is a miniature “Forty Years of Chinese Literature Translation in t
Modern Linguistics