Narrative theory is put into use in translation studies, for public narratives such as publicity, news, international politics, war and other non-literary translation practice, mainly represented by Mona Baker. It is a completely new attempt to show the macro and micronarrative framing character in the English version of China 2016 Report on the Work of the Government in the context, keyword selection, and interaction of translator and audience, under the guidance of her translation narrative strategies as the Temporal and Spatial Framing, Selective Appropriation of Textual Material, Framing by Labeling and Repositioning of participants, etc., with the combination of the statistics and analysis of 3.4.4 the software of AntConc.
Modern Linguistics
国家自然科学基金2014年度项目“中国–东盟跨境高等教育服务合作与质量保障研究”(编号:71463004) (翻译平台建设)的研究成果之六。