在认知语言学框架下,不少学者基于意象图式理论研究动词短语中小品词语义,构式中动词特征和构式的语义互动鲜有涉及。本文基于意象图式和构式语法理论考察V + back构式中词汇单位的语义特征,以及构式和词汇单位的互动。研究表明:1) 小品词back的空间域意义为中心意象图式。2) back空间域概念是V + back意义延伸的认知基础;“运动物体回到先前的位置”在V + back语义网络中处于支配地位。3) V + back构式存在词汇压制和构式压制现象。词汇对构式的压制与动词的使用频率成正比,动词越高频,越容易受到back压制,构式具有更多延伸意义。构式会压制非运动类动词,迫使动词意义延伸或改变。
Particles in verb phrases have been widely explored based on image schema theory. Features of verbs and interaction between semantic units in Verb Phrase Constructions have been less touched. Based on image schemas and construction grammar theory, this paper investigates se-mantic characteristics of verbs in V + back construction and interaction between verbs and par-ticle back. The findings show: 1) The spatial meaning of back is its central image schema. 2) Back’s meaning in space domain is the cognitive basis for the meaning construction and extension of V + back. “Movement to an earlier place” plays a dominating role in V + back meaning network. 3) There is both lexical coercion and construction coercion. The former is in direct proportion to the frequency of usage of verb. The particle back tends to coerce the construction to produce more extended meanings. The construction may coerce non motion verbs to extend or change meanings.
Modern Linguistics