谢晶日教授治疗胃食管反流病经验丰富,认为胃食管反流病是由于情志不遂,饮食不节,平素脾胃虚弱等各种因素导致脾气当升不升,胃气当降不降,肝不随脾升,胆不随胃降,以致胃气上逆,上犯食管而形成本病。临证时,谢晶日教授强调从气机升降理论治疗胃食管反流病的重要性,强调调畅气机,重视情志因素在治疗胃食管反流病的作用,临床多获良效。Professor Xie Jingri has rich experience in treating gastroesophageal reflux disease. He believes that the disease is caused by various factors such as emotional imbalance, improper diet, and underlying weakness of the spleen and stomach, leading to the failure of spleen Qi to rise and stomach Qi to descend. In his view, when the liver fails to ascend with the spleen and the gallbladder fails to descend with the stomach, gastric Qi reverses and rises, affecting the esophagus and causing the disease. In clinical practice, Professor Xie Jingri emphasizes the importance of the theory of pneumatosis elevation and reduction in treating gastroesophageal reflux disease, highlighting the importance of regulating pneumatosis and considering the role of emotional factors in the treatment of the disease, which has resulted in positive clinical outcomes.
Journal of Clinical Personalized Medicine