民法典规定的合伙合同于电商视域下,能否适用合同编通则规定取决于其性质。随着我国经济的发展和市场经济体制的逐步完善,合伙合同作为一种重要的合同形式,广泛应用于各类合伙企业中,对合伙合同的性质进行讨论变得尤为重要,将合伙合同性质定位为共同行为和继续性合同。合同解除权行使存在解除权行使主体与方式不明确、解除条件不具体、解除法律后果存在争议的问题,为了维护合伙事业的稳定及收益,应当对行使主体、方式进行明确,对非任意解除权的行使条件进行扩张,把破坏信任关系的行为认定为是致使合同目的不能实现的违约行为,严格认定不定期合伙,对合伙解除后的法律效果进行明确,并确定清算义务人。合同编通则规范之构建多以双务合同为基础,所以合伙合同对合同编通则的规则以一般对之参照适用,当然也存在禁止适用的情形,但在满足一定条件时可以例外参照适用,从而得出具体的运用规则,为合伙合同的法律适用提供理论支持和实践指导。Whether a partnership contract under the Civil Code can be applied to the provisions of the General Principles of Contract depends on its nature. With the development of China’s economy and the gradual improvement of the market economy system, the partnership contract, as an important form of contract, is widely used in various types of partnerships, and it has become particularly important to discuss the nature of the partnership contract, and position the nature of the partnership contract as a joint act and a continuing contract. There are some problems in the exercise of the right of rescission of contract, such as unclear subject and way of exercising the right of rescission, unspecified conditions of rescission and controversial legal consequences. In order to maintain the stability and income of the partnership, the subject and way of exercising the right of rescission should be cl
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