In recent years, the PAD (Presentation-Assimilation-Discussion) class teaching mode has been widely used in various types of courses in colleges and universities. However, its application in advanced computer language programming courses is still relatively rare. At the same time, there is a disconnection between teaching and learning in advanced computer language programming courses, and students cannot master all the knowledge taught by teachers. In the course of computer advanced language programming, the PAD class teaching mode is introduced and improved according to the characteristics and teaching environment of the course. In the course of computer programming, there are theory classes and experimental classes every week, which both adopt PAD class teaching mode, so that students can study and discuss twice a week to absorb knowledge. The improved PAD class teaching mode has a good response from the students, and at the same time, the students’ final grades are good, which indicates that the introduction of the improved PAD class teaching mode in the advanced language programming course is effective.
Creative Education Studies