About 57% of transportation energy in the world today is driven by petroleum products. Funda-mentally speaking, oil demand depends on the vitality of the global economy, especially the expan-sion of developing economies. Strong economic growth in emerging economies will cause a surge in oil demand. On the one hand, the price of oil will directly affect trade in goods from the cost of transportation, the cost of enterprise production and the foreign exchange market. On the other hand, oil prices may also indirectly affect the export of goods trade in terms of consumption, in-vestment and labor markets. The result shows that there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between GDP, total export of goods, oil prices and oil consumption. According to the Vector Error Correction Model, it is found that the export of Chinese goods trade will have a short-term positive impact on itself. When the price of oil rises, exports of goods trade first decline in a short period of time and then rise. The impact of oil consumption will have a negative effect on China’s export of goods trade, but its impact will only last for a short time. The willingness to consume oil (price elas-ticity of demand) will not have an impact on China’s trade exports in the short term.
Business and Globalization