为进一步了解社会工作实践领域的发展趋势,使用CiteSpace对中国知网文献库(CNKI) 2013~2023年以“社会工作介入”为主题的2061篇文献进行图谱分析,得到8个主题4大类别的研究聚类,生成关键词聚类、关键词突现、关键词时间线等图谱,揭示该研究领域的发展脉络和研究热点。结果表明,年度发文增长速度呈现“高开低走”的时势,期刊来源分布呈现“多点开花”的态势,发文机构分布呈现“百家争鸣”的局势,研究主题和热点呈现“具体而微”的阵势,研究前沿和动向呈现“紧跟时事”的大势。据此分析未来社会工作介入研究要以开拓研究思路,提升关注程度;加强学术协作,构筑集聚网络;深化实证研究,提升研究内涵为主要抓手。以此促进社会工作实务领域的研究从淡化到关注、自主到合作探究、单一到多元的方向发展。In order to further understand the development trend of the field of social work practice, CiteSpace was used to analyze 2061 documents in the China Knowledge Network Literature Database (CNKI) from 2013~2023 on the topic of “social work intervention”, to obtain research clusters of eight topics and four categories, and to generate keyword clusters, keyword clustering, keyword emergence, keyword time line and other maps were generated to reveal the development of this research field and research hotspots. The results show that the annual growth rate of articles presents a trend of “high start, low go”, the distribution of journal sources presents a trend of “multiple blossoms”, the distribution of issuing organizations presents a situation of “a hundred schools of thought”, and the research themes and hotspots present a situation of “a hundred schools of thought”. The situation, the research theme and hotspot presents “specific and micro” situation, the research frontier and trend presents “keep up with current affairs” trend. Accordingly, it is analyzed that th
Advances in Social Sciences