Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs reveals the inner relation between needs and motivated be-havior by analyzing different levels of human needs. This theory provides important theoretical guidance for ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and has far-reaching significance for improving the effectiveness of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. Ideological and political educators should, based on the characteristics of students’ needs, deeply understand the law of their growth and development, master the psychological changes and needs of students at different stages, and carry out educational practice in a targeted way;pay attention to the diversity of needs, and constantly enrich the content of ideological and po-litical education;pay attention to the change of needs and improve the methods of ideological and political education with The Times;pay attention to the hierarchy of needs, set up reasonable ideo-logical and political education objectives;pay attention to the dynamic nature of needs and strengthen the motivating role of ideological and political education.
Advances in Psychology