为明确网络约会虐待对个体抑郁的作用机制,构建了一个有调节的中介模型,旨在考查自尊在两者间的中介作用及亲子关系的调节作用。采用网络约会虐待量表、流调中心抑郁量表、自尊量表、亲子亲密度量表对435人进行调查。结果发现:1) 网络约会虐待显著正向预测抑郁;2) 自尊在网络约会虐待与抑郁之间起部分中介作用;3) 网络约会虐待与抑郁之间受到亲子关系的调节,且亲子关系也调节了中介作用的后半路径。相关结果对预防及干预新时代网民抑郁水平具有参考价值。
In order to explore the impact of cyber dating abuse on individual depression in the digital age as well as its internal mechanism, the present study conducted a moderated mediating model to examine the mediation effects of self-esteem and the moderation effects of parent-child relationship. A sample of 435 netizens was investigated with Cyber Dating Abuse Questionnaire, the Self-Esteem Scale, the Depression Scale and Closeness to Parents Scale. The results showed that: 1) Depression was positively related with cyber dating abuse. 2) Cyber dating abuse not only had a direct effect on depression, but also influenced depression through the mediating effects of self-esteem. 3) Both the association between cyber dating abuse and depression, the relationship between self-esteem and depression were moderated by the parent-child relationship. These findings have important reference value for the prevention and intervention for the potential depression of netizens in the digital age.
Advances in Psychology