为调节新冠疫情封控背景下的大学生亲子关系,缓解封控带来的亲子压力,本研究分两阶段(一阶段为6周,二阶段为4周)进行网络直播形式的正念减压训练,采用《亲子关系量表》与《焦虑自评量表》对河北省居家隔离的大学生亲子关系开展干预研究,采用配对样本t检验检测被试在第一阶段前后填写的亲子量表总分是否有显著差异,结果发现第一阶段前后实验组亲子关系总分有显著差异(t = −8.273, p 0.05;负性情绪:t = 0.160,p > 0.05)。本文研究结果表明参加正念减压训练的大学生抗压能力提高,亲子关系能够有明显改善,但目前焦虑情绪变化不显著。
In order to adjust the parent-child relationship of college students in the context of the closure and control of the COVID-19 and alleviate the parent-child pressure caused by the closure and control, this study conducted mindfulness decompression training in the form of live webcast in two stages (one stage was 6 weeks, and the other stage was 4 weeks), and used the Parent Child Relationship Scale and the Self Rating Anxiety Scale to carry out intervention research on the parent-child relationship of college students isolated at home in Hebei Province, Paired sample t-test was used to test whether there was a significant difference in the total score of the parent-child relationship scale filled out by the subjects before and after the first stage. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the total score of the parent-child relationship between the experimental group before and after the first stage (t = −8.273, p 0.05;negative emotions: t = 0.160, p > 0.05). The research results of this article indicate that college students who participate in mindfulness stress relief training have improved their stress resistance ability and significantly improved their parent-child relationship, but the current changes in anxiety are not significant.
Advances in Psychology