以544名高一学生为被试,通过问卷调查法探讨了相对剥夺感和主观幸福感的关系,并考察了是否担任学生干部在其中可能具有的调节作用。结果表明:1) 男生的主观幸福感高于女生;2) 学生干部的相对剥夺感低于非学生干部的,其主观幸福感高于非学生干部的;3) 是否担任学生干部在相对剥夺感与主观幸福感关系中的调节作用显著。对非学生干部而言,主观幸福感随着相对剥夺感的增加而显著下降;对学生干部而言,相对剥夺感并不能显著预测主观幸福感。结果揭示了相对剥夺感对于主观幸福感的负向影响,提醒我们应该平等的对待每一位学生,不因学生是否担任学生干部而差别对待,落实教育公平,以生为本,让每一位学生都拥有幸福感。
With 544 students in grade one of senior high school as subjects, this paper explores the relationship between relative deprivation and subjective well-being through a questionnaire survey, and examines whether serving as a student leader may play a regulatory role in it. The results showed that: 1) The subjective well-being of boys was higher than that of girls;2) The relative sense of deprivation of student cadres is lower than that of non-student cadres, and the subjective well-being of student cadres is higher than that of non-student cadres;3) Whether or not to be a student leader plays a significant role in regulating the relationship between relative deprivation and subjective well-being. For non-student cadres, subjective well-being decreased significantly with the increase of relative deprivation;for student cadres, relative deprivation does not significantly predict subjective well-being. The results reveal the negative impact of relative deprivation on subjective well-being, reminding us that we should treat every student equally, not treat students differently because of whether they are student cadres, implement education fairness, and make every student happy.
Advances in Psychology