

The Influence of Auditory Subliminal Persuasion on Behavior—An Example of Drinking Behavior
摘要 为探讨听觉阈下说服对行为的影响,本实验采用单变量三水平设计对94名大学生进行了实验研究。结果表明:听觉阈下说服对饮水量的主效应显著(P = 0.022),进一步两两比较发现,相较于无关听觉阈下说服(P = 0.037)和无听觉阈下说服(P = 0.049),相关听觉阈下说服能对被试的饮水量产生影响。研究结果反对了目前主流的听觉阈下说服“无用”的观点,对听觉阈下说服的研究具有启发意义。 To explore the influence of auditory subliminal persuasion on behavior, a univariate three-level experiment on 94 participants was conducted. The results showed that the main effect of auditory subliminal persuasion on water consumption was significant (P = 0.022), and a further two-way comparison revealed that relevant auditory subthreshold persuasion had an effect on water consumption compared with irrelevant auditory subthreshold persuasion (P = 0.037) and no auditory subthreshold persuasion (P = 0.049). The results of the study oppose the prevailing view that auditory subliminal persuasion is “useless”, and are instructive for the study of auditory subliminal persuasion.
出处 《心理学进展》 2022年第4期1389-1394,共6页 Advances in Psychology
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