采用测量法与实验法相结合,探究损益情境下大学生主观幸福感对跨期选择的影响。结果表明:1) 大学生主观幸福感与跨期选择衡量指标延迟折扣率存在显著负相关;2) 低主观幸福感大学生的延迟折扣率显著大于高主观幸福感;3) 获益情境下的延迟折扣率显著大于损失情境;4) 大学生主观幸福感与情境交互作用显著,获益情境下,低主观幸福感大学生的延迟折扣率显著大于高主观幸福感,损失情境下高、低主观幸福感大学生的延迟折扣率不存在显著差异。研究发现,获益情境下大学生更倾向于即时选项,结果支持“符号效应”;获益情境下,高主观幸福感大学生更倾向于延迟选项;损失情境下,两者均倾向于延迟选项。通过探究大学生主观幸福感对跨期选择的影响,有利于大学生在日常决策时做出更加理性的选择,避免短视现象。
Combining measuring method and experimental method, to study the effect of subjective well- being on intertemporal choice under loss and gain situations, we found that: firstly, there had significant negtive correlation between subjective well-being and delay discounting rate;Secondly, the delay discounting rate of the group of low subjective well-being was significant larger than the group of high subjective well-being;Thirdly, the delay discounting rate of gain situations was significant larger than loss situations;Lastly, the interaction between subjective well-being and situations was significant, on the gain situation, the delay discounting rate of the group of high subjective well-being was significant larger than the group of low subjective well-being, while the delay discounting rate was no significant difference on loss situation for the high and low group of low subjective well-being. The conclusions were followed: on the gain situation, undergraduates were more likely to choose immediate option, supported the “sign effect”;on the gain situation, the undergraduates of high subjective well-being prefered to the delay option;on the loss situation, all of them were tended to choose delay option. Through the study, we could help the student do the better choice when they decided.
Advances in Psychology