目的:为了探讨幼儿教师野心家取向、离职倾向和工作满意度之间的关系。方法:采用野心家取向量表、离职倾向量表及工作满意度量表对413名幼儿教师行调查研究。结果:发现幼儿教师的野心家取向既可直接预测离职倾向(p 【0.001),又可通过工作满意度的中介作用间接预测离职倾向(p 【0.01)。研究结果说明对于幼儿教师离职倾向的干预,需要关注其野心家取向和工作满意度动态。
To explore the relationship among careerist orientation, resignation intention and job satisfaction of preschool teachers, 413 preschool teachers were investigated by using the careerist orientation scale, resignation intention scale and job satisfaction scale. The careerist orientation of preschool teachers could not only directly predict the resignation intention (p <0.001), but also indirectly predict the resignation intention (p <0.01) through the intermediary effect of job satisfaction. It is necessary to pay attention to careerist orientation and job satisfaction dynamics of preschool teachers in the intervention of turnover tendency.
Advances in Psychology