初中生正处于身心迅速发展的时期,面临着生理的快速发展和心理发展的相对滞后的矛盾,也是最容易产生困扰和心理问题的时期。本研究采用问卷法以广州市某民办初中的343名初中生为被试了解广州市民办初中生心理健康现状,探讨民办初中生的心理健康问题的特点。结果发现:1) 民办学校初中生的心理健康状况比较良好。2) 男生的心理健康水平在抑郁、考试焦虑方面显著高于女生,初二学生的心理健康水平显著低于初一学生,特别是考试焦虑、人际关系紧张、适应不良性方面。3) 学生学习成绩、父母的受教育程度也会影响学生的心理健康水平。
Junior middle school students are in a period of rapid physical development, but facing the conflict that psychological growths are relatively slower, and it’s easier for the students to have mental problems. This research applied the questionnaire method targeting on 343 students from a private junior middle school to investigate the mental health of the students, and thus, discuss the characteristics. The results are as the following: 1) mental health of private junior middle school students is good. 2) The mental health level of male students was significantly higher than that of female students in depression and test anxiety. The mental health level of the students in grade 2 was significantly lower than that of the students in grade one. 3) Both academic achievement and education degrees of parents have influence on the students’ mental health.
Advances in Psychology